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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Disagree. O'Leary made a mental error, simple as that. You don't hesitate when it comes to protecting the football. Ever.
  2. Unless David Carr was also a franchise QB, I'm having a hard time understanding how taking a beating and generating 7 points in the 3 1/2 quarters before garbage time makes one a 'franchise QB'.
  3. Only thing more ridiculous than DST is the overreaction to it every friggin year.
  4. I just need a lunch pail guy for Bingo. Dont let me down SP!
  5. Hughes looked like Maybin most of the night, getting pushed five yards behind the QB. Embarrassing that a 38 yo QB was able to easily escape the pocket time after time.
  6. That only works with WRs going into year 5.
  7. Best. Post. Ever. I'm pissed I didn't think of it!!
  8. As it is the games start while some of us are still at work, hard to make them any earlier if you want a west coast audience. This.
  9. So who is this Tom Steyer lunatic? I just saw a commercial for his impeachment movement that warned me Trump was "armed with nuclear weapons". Goodness...who knew! Apparently Mr. Steyer has worked on behalf of luminaries such as Walter Mondale, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton. And he's quite hysterical about the Keystone pipeline.
  10. Yeah, it's fun being in the city every day, just like in NYC. New office will be right near Union Square. But I was laughing with someone tonight that I managed to find the one place in the country that makes Fairfield County look reasonable. The prices are ridiculous but for now we're drinking the Marin Kool-Aid and figuring out the long term housing situation.
  11. Goodness!! How many children did OJ end up killing last night?!? And look how angry you still are over it!
  12. Nice, that's a great neighborhood. I'm two block away at 2nd and Bryant. Moving to Mission St in a few weeks and will miss the South Park/AT&T area.
  13. I did, but it was still under warranty. Our set had a thing where the bottom of the screen was really dark. Service guy came out, unscrewed the back and I could see there were literally 3 parts to the entire TV. Two chips and a screen. He replaced the screen, no fix. He replaced the bigger chip, and it was fixed. Been fine ever since. No surprise these sets don't last like the old tube TVs.
  14. Woo-hoo! Watched the game in the bar near South Park, on the ferry to Marin and made it home for the last two outs. Happy for the 'Stors, happy Utley lost (even if they didn't bean him), happy to join the Bay Area bandwagon that wanted the Dodgers to lose. It's like they're the West Coast Yankees!
  15. One more game to hope he gets beaned in the head.
  16. Why do you suppose that when his post indicated nothing of the kind?
  17. Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way....turn.
  18. I could see Andy Dick thinking "hey, look at all the press these guys are getting; I have to get in on this sexual harassment thing!"
  19. Let's hope we won't have that this year.
  20. I chaperoned the kids' elementary school parade through our town this morning, fun stuff. All the teachers and parents dress up too. Best costume was a guy dressed as a reporter with a microphone. Around the sides of the cube on the mic (where the network logo goes) was "FAKE NEWS"
  21. They also have an emerging WR in Devin Funchess to replace KB.
  22. That's hilarious. If I was McCarron I'd be thanking my lucky stars.
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