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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I’m not sure, but he sounds very why’s so we better listen.
  2. Bingo. And once again, Instant replay is KILLING sports; it’s ruined officiating in the NFL and destroyed the flow of the game. Worst idea ever.
  3. Bummer....I thought this was a thread about Hootie and Blowfish.
  4. Nonsensical? Hmmm....how about automatically starting a new thread every day debating if Tyrod Taylor is a good QB or not? Oh, wait....
  5. I'd vote for Mason over her. More personal character and has had fewer people murdered.
  6. Moody Blues were great. They are behind cheesy pop acts like Bon Jovi?? He sucked long before he became frontman for the Toronto Bills. What a joke.
  7. Is there anywhere to vote against Hillary Clinton?
  8. They start these damn holiday threads earlier every year!!!
  9. My ex-wife gave me a photo album out of spite the last time I ever saw her (in court to finalize the divorce). Tossed it down the garbage chute same day without opening it. Relationships end. And when they do, that’s the time to start moving on.
  10. Never has an election night started off so grim and progressively gotten so much more enjoyable as the night went on. ?
  11. That sucks, RIP. Those small planes come with a lot of risk.
  12. Can’t imagine what kind of porn you were searching for to stumble across that!
  13. Reminds me of new poster tiers Tier 1 posters: less than 2 Tyrod threads per year Tier 2 : 2-5 Tyrod threads per year Tier 3: 6+ Tyrod threads per year
  14. I became a huge Donna Brazile fan this week.
  15. There’s a lot of pressure these days to out-retard the other hysterical lefty rags.
  16. I never believed for a minute Trump had the cash to be a serious bidder, but if he helped smear a Toronto bid, that’s ok with me.
  17. In case some haven’t noticed, the Bills are no longer interested in whiny ‘me’ players. Watkins should go to Carolina. He’d be a great fit with Newton.
  18. Hello stranger! Stick around a while. Maybe we can start a trend of old timers coming back.
  19. I love wings and can eat a bunch. But I’m not always happy about it the next morning so it’s usually a once/twice a year thing now.
  20. I used to visit gobills.com for news and commentary on the Bills (some guy who called himself GG used to write a lot there); would like to hear the story of that site too. I don't remember how but it led me over here at some point in the late 90s. I think the site was redone and everyone re-registered in 2001.
  21. This might be the highest ratio of laughable stupidity / # words in a post in PPP history. It's gatortard who would be proud.
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