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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Bad example. Not being conservative is what cost Atlanta the SB.
  2. If actually having any moral high ground instead of just preaching about it mattered to any Democrats, I'd agree.
  3. Yes, but not because he took a silly picture. Because electing the guy who played a gorilla handler in Trading Places to the Senate is even more ridiculous than electing a reality TV host to be President.
  4. I guess we’ll be skipping the #metoo coverage for this weekend’s news cycle.
  5. I wish these guys where all still in their prime: Max Von Sydow James Cromwell Patrick McGoohan
  6. You forgot the creamed onions. ? Similar menu at my place; wifey has some great recipes and usually has a new spin on one or two dishes. Add plenty of good wine and that’s all I need.
  7. Trump did highlight it when he was running for President against the person who actively enabled and supported Bill’s long campaign of sexual harassment and assault, all while holding herself up as a champion of women’s causes. Too bad Kevin Spacey can’t get held to this kind of standard!
  8. Are we also going to scrutinize Bill Clinton's behavior? How about HRC's behavior for protecting and enabling him while slut-shaming the multiple women who accused Bill of rape? Funny how the general views on sexual harassment can vary so widely from party to party.
  9. The opposite side of the current sexual harassment scandal. Arrogant c--nts like this who think they can abuse anyone in their way because they are hot and have a good job. Makes my day to know she was fired. Hope the internet lynch mob is providing her with some additionally warranted abuse. More like the RJ. HRC = RJ Any why should we 'get over' her gatortard? Isn't she gearing up for another run in 2020?
  10. Yup, 19-18. He's perfect for a team that aspires to be .500 forever. And no, they are not 'in' a playoff spot. Playoff spots will be determined at the conclusion of the regular season. And it's pretty clear what direction the Bills are trending. And none of that addresses the core issue that you keep ignoring: he's a terrible passer and you can't win in the NFL without a good passer.
  11. I know you'll just keep repeating this but I'll point it out once. It wasn't just two ugly losses; it's his whole ugly career. The guy simply can't carry a team the way a QB needs to carry a team to win consistently in the NFL. He just don't have the ability to throw the ball well enough. He didn't the day he was drafted and he still doesn't and he never will.
  12. How about an algorithm that weights the reputation 'point' against the volume of total points given by the issuer. So a DCTom thumbs up might be worth 40 times more than a Gugny thumbs up. You have room in a budget for a couple data scientists, right?
  13. The highest "approximate career value"? In other words, "the only one who's been given 38 starts despite showing repeatedly he's the same QB he was in college and offers absolutely zero upside".
  14. Wade, Joe Cribbs and Flutie are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head. Including Taylor and EJ on this list is laughable. How many starts are you supposed to give guys who have shown time and time again they aren't going to get any better? I don't even know how respond to statements as divorced from reality as this one.
  15. He was benched because there is nothing left to learn about his abilities. At his peak he is a tier 3 QB in a league that requires a tier 1 or tier 2 QB to win. To not find out what the other guy can do would be grossly negligent.
  16. Much like Tyrod, I check down. I withdraw from the hard stuff and do the mindless crap.
  17. Great news and sound decision. See what they have in Peterman before having to decide on a QB strategy in the off season. It’s clear they are going nowhere but down with Taylor.
  18. A 2d round pick?? Pass the bong. Maybe a 6th, if he didn’t have a contract that no one wants.
  19. No doubt, but at this point there’s no reason to keep Peterman on the bench.
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