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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. From reading this board, I'd say most of the fans (at least the vocal ones) have absolutely NOT learned this; I keep hearing all we need is a top-5 defense, solid OL, another great RB and expensive wide receivers and Taylor will be just fine!
  2. Yeah, 5-2 fooled a lot of people, maybe including McD and Beane with that Benjamin trade. If they had started 0-3 and were now 5-5 people would be dancing in the streets and singing their praises.
  3. What's everyone complaining about? We got our 1/2 season of good football that we are due every 4-5 years, didn't we? Don't worry, there'll be another 4-1 or 5-2 start around 2021.
  4. Oh, God no. Those already calling for coaches to be fired ten games into their regime must want to see yet another roster purge with another new staff. I don't know why people can't or won't see that every new GM/coaching combo is going to reinvent the team they way they think it should be done. Every single change comes with a new 3 year plan. Change your coach, the plan starts back at zero. That's why Gilmore wasn't signed. That's why Dareus and Watkins were traded. That's why Peterman got a start. Clearly these guys are implementing their 3 year plan by purging guys they don't see fitting long term and planning for how to fill those 10-15 new piece they need over the next couple years. The only position that can truly accelerate the 3 year plan is QB. If you find the QB, you can improve more quickly.
  5. Yep. Trying to fit pieces around a low-end QB hasn't worked for 20 and isn't ever going to work.
  6. Yes, they would have lost regardless. I think people are mad because they think starting Peterman hurt team chemistry and hurt TT's commitment to the team, which in turn hurt the playoff chances. I happen to think there is no way they win more than 8 games so was happy to give the rookie a shot, and hope they give him another before the year is out.
  7. Of course it can get worse than Taylor, no one ever said otherwise. The point is it can never get better than Taylor, who is by definition mediocre, unless they try someone new. In trying to find something better than mediocre they tried Peterman and he fell flat. Bummer. They need to give him another chance of course (probably not this week, but before the end of the year), but regardless of that, today was a big step toward confirming they need to draft a QB early next spring. I know it drives people crazy, but there is a 3 year plan happening and it supersedes any 2017 plans.
  8. So what happened? I spent the afternoon planting trees with the Girl Scouts.
  9. This. He seems like a good guy, doesn't act like a little b---h if things aren't going his way (Watkins), doesn't mail it in (Dareus), or do any of the other things that make me root against players. But he simply isn't a complete QB. Yes, he can gimmick his way to a few wins against average opponents but to be effective he needs everything around him to be running on all cylinders. And that's not good enough in the NFL if you want to be a playoff caliber team. A QB has to be able to carry the load and he is not a carry the load kind of player.
  10. I don't think the Bills are going to win today but have a good feeling about them finally moving on from another sub-standard QB.
  11. I would. Their out of conference schedule is a joke year in and year out and the bottom half of the SEC is as bad as any other major conference. They are a great team but it's an advantage when you only play 2 or 3 decent teams a year. And early in the season....and mid-season....
  12. Yup; that is the crux of the issue which many here can't understand or refuse to acknowledge. But hey, at least they don't turn the ball over before punting!
  13. The guys in charge have the goal of build a winning team, which is different from your apparent goal to sneak into the playoffs. They signed TT because they had no better options for a one year caretaker while they found a real QB. And despite the ridiculous overuse of the term, there is no such thing as "tanking" in the NFL.
  14. The problem is those are things you need a QB to do a couple times per game, they are not the core competencies of a playoff caliber QB. Same way the stuffing and cranberries are not the building blocks of Thanksgiving dinner but the compliments to the turkey. Most of what you need a QB to do is to understand where, when and how to deliver an accurate ball on 3th and 8 (and not to the guy who is 3 yards up field).
  15. It's not written as such, but that article is scathing and spot on regarding Taylor. The lack of offensive production despite the good turnover fortune is in fact, unprecedented.
  16. That's ridiculous at any time of the year, but the weekend before Thanksgiving? Pathetic. And even if the one in a million happened and they lost?? They'd still be in the playoff.
  17. I suppose...but only as a bridge to a real QB if they have no other options (a la the Bills this year). No one is looking at him as a guy to build around which leads me to believe he'll be in a similar situation as Fitz a couple years ago re: contract.
  18. Yup. You don't stay married to the wrong woman because the divorce will be expensive.
  19. Make it glazed and we have a deal. People here tend to badly overvalue certain Bills players. I remember a year ago people thinking teams would be lining up to give Taylor a big contract in the offseason. No one is trading for that contract. He'll be cut and signed by someone for high-end backup money.
  20. True....but that guy also became President of a huge labor organization and later Gov of the largest state in the country, so he kinda did do a few things between those two jobs other than comedy tours and writing simpleton books designed to appeal to idiots like gatortard.
  21. Sorry, who's the hypocrite? Trump was running against someone who has aided and abetted a serial rapist for decades.
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