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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Sorry Cindy; few things tougher in life than having to say goodbye to your mother. You have my sympathy.
  2. Are you kidding? I'd go back to 1999 if it meant another 17 years of playoff drought. Smartphones are a !@#$ing curse. I feel bad for the kids who have to grow up with all this sh-- now.
  3. If every instinct the Pegulas have is wrong, the opposite would have to be right...
  4. Reason #482 why I haven't watched a pre-game show in decades.
  5. I know it's the Bills, but to me this seems like one of those games where the public gets creamed. I foresee a back-door cover for Buffalo.
  6. I've heard literally every close male friend I've had since I was 13 say something more crude than anything Trump said on that tape. Any guy who says he was 'shocked' by what Trump said is an outright liar. Any women who says that is either a liar or incredibly naive about the mind of a man.
  7. Terrible comparison. Franken took pictures with his hands on the girl. Trump was obviously not speaking about a specific instance or he would have said "I grabbed her right in the kitty". His comment was the equivalent of some guy in a passing car yelling "!@#$ her right in the kitty!" Were his statements incredibly tasteless? Yup. Is Trump a total dirtbag with women? Almost certainly. But that instance was the standard media mischaracterization of anything Trump said during the campaign (a la 'all Mexicans are rapists')
  8. A 4 yard reception.....the great Sammy Watkins' signature moment as a Bill!!
  9. As a comedian....absolutely. As preachy, douchebag, hypocrite in the Senate....not so much.
  10. It does say something about one's comedic ability when their presence can actually make Seinfeld unfunny.
  11. Yeah; I'm usually not a fan of people who are so proud of themselves for being complete douchebags.
  12. Same here; it's a must for T-giving dinner. As indispensable as the stuffing.
  13. Yup. Personally I'd rank them Moss, Coryell and Lewis but those are the top 3. TO is #4. Moss might be the best football player I've ever seen.
  14. I'll explain it to you. It's not 'Tyrod hate'. It's that fans are sick and tired of a team that for 20 years has failed to have an intelligent plan for the QB position; instead fluctuating between trying to get by on the cheap and when that fails and they are out of options, making desperate and stupid draft moves. They wasted four years with Fitz, while eschewing guys like Wilson and Cousins, because of the same thinking we see on display about Taylor: "if he just gets a little better" or "if we just had XYZ around him", or "we were so close last year" instead of admitting that those guys, while not terrible QBs, are never going to be better than just ok, which is not good enough in the NFL. So just like they refused to draft a QB until Fitz had completely gone bust; post-EJ they went back to the 'get by cheap' plan and ignored QB in the draft, except for a couple token late round long shots. Three years later there is still no apparent future QB on the team and people are clinging to Taylor. If you told me the Bills were going to draft a top-3 QB next year and keep Taylor until the rookie was ready, I guess I'd be ok with it. But frankly, Taylor doesn't seem like the 'mentor a young QB' kind of guy. He's not a student of the game, he relies on instinct rather than a deep understanding of NFL defenses and how to beat them. And you'd have the same sub-set of the fan base screaming that Taylor should be the guy and a QB controversy is a bad idea.
  15. Combo of thighs and breasts. No honey, I didn't mean you!
  16. KD in CA


    I can call you Betty....
  17. They abandoned her because she offers nothing of value. Left winger lemmings in Hollywood and the media are a dime a dozen. See Kevin Spacey and Charlie Rose. But Al Franken is important so the wagons are being circled faster than you can say Buffalo Bills.
  18. Welcome! Marshawn thanks you for playing right into his hands.
  19. I like VT, but you have a serious case of homerism going on here. Top 15-20 QB? Eh...maybe 20. But either way, that doesn't get you in playoffs. (I know, I know, all we need is a great OL, great RBs, top defense, WRs etc., etc.).
  20. Nope....was literally planting trees. With my daughters' girl scout troop. It was a great way to spend a beautiful Sunday afternoon.
  21. I think we know the answer to the first two, but kicking screaming is what those groups do for fun. And people here were actually proud of it. Problem is we always seem to give up on the 3 year plan after year 2.....and start all over again.
  22. Same here; I was planting trees with the Girl Scouts. Checked the phone once, saw the INT total and figured it would at least be a fun week on this board!
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