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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Ahh. Lynch is about the only guy I could see writing that. But he probably ignores the social media sandbox.
  2. That's the single best use of twitter in history and alone absolves Marshawn of any and all wrongdoing for all time.
  3. Very little news out of the sports world stuns me, but this is jaw-dropping. It's bad enough the Giants let their OL go to pot worse than Buffalo did, haven't had a running back since Brandon Jacobs, and have no healthy WRs, but now you end your HOF QBs career streak so you can start......Geno Smith?!? Unforgiveable. I hope Manning demands a trade, goes to Denver and wins a SB just like his brother.
  4. Given all the bad PR the last two years and the knowledge this stuff bugs a lot of people, it sure seems like an odd time for the NFL to give carte blanche to this kind of silliness.
  5. Yup, so long as the goal is to improve on Taylor ASAP. And for as much as I don't get the bolded part, I really don't get the fanboys who cling to sub-par performers after they've left the Bills. I'm sure after he leaves the die hard crowd will be posting about every half-way decent thing Taylor does for the rest of his career. Just like they do with Watkins and used to do with Spiller.
  6. Cosmo was preaching the truth with that ‘who controls the information’ speech at the end. Terrific cast all around.
  7. Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering kaboom.
  8. I hate to say it, but if the Dems are really going with either Hitlery again or Sen Pocahontas, I guess I'm down for a Trump reelection!
  9. Don't worry. Refs are just getting warmed up so long as the Bills are ahead of more desirable teams in the WC race.
  10. Did Tyrod win the popular vote? You need help dude!
  11. Ah yes, more intelligent Bills fans who 'deserve a playoff team' jumping on the head of their rookie head coach after 10 games. It'll all be so much better when McDermott is history and we get a real coach!!
  12. If you're going to use abbreviations, you at least could have gone with BJ. Bjork
  13. That's what I was thinking...neighbors must be kinda pissed. I think I'd have tossed some gas on it, closed the door and torched the whole shed and hopefully most of those little !@#$ers with it.
  14. I'll believe it when I see it. Wouldn't be the first time Alabama finished 3d in their conference and was put into a 'championship' game.
  15. You sell the team to some big tech investor who will move them to Oakland to replace the Raiders.
  16. I would live in 2017 with 1999 technology even if it didn't mean ending the drought. Yes there are a lot of conveniences now but I think it's coming at a huge cost.
  17. I wouldn't put him in ahead of TO, but I agree Holt is underrated and bears strong consideration for the HOF.
  18. But TO did complain about his QB and do push ups in his driveway for assembled sports writers. Oh yeah, and there was that whole Sharpie thing...
  19. That's the spirit! New GM+HC combo every season until we find one who can get the Bills to the playoffs!
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