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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. We have a ridiculous fan base. btw, Who was the poster that had the cumulative records of every coach since Marv in his sig line? It was someone who's been around a long time but I haven't seen him post in a while.
  2. Obviously they were planning for where they would get the ball back for the next possession, which is quite a bit different if the Colts are punting from the 10 or the 41. He thought there was enough time left to play for field position for a final drive and he was right. Any chance to win ends if they don't convert the 4th and 1, which was a dicey proposition in the snow.
  3. Actually no, I didn't. They change so many rules now I can't keep up with all.
  4. "Best fans in the NFL!" Can you image how upset some of them would be if the Bills did make the playoffs?
  5. Once again, we see why fans don't have jobs as NFL coaches. Given the conditions, he made the right call.
  6. Should have just paid for that 3 piece and a busciut. Or not pointed the gun at that guy's kids. Another happy ending: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/12/08/texas-father-shoots-kills-popeyes-robbery-suspect-who-threatened-family-police-say.html
  7. Yup. They decided to become another Salon.com or Atlantic and are finding out we only need so many outlets that peddle the same kind of nonsense in the same way.
  8. I always though the two dude who were off 'hunting' where involved, but that show was so badly slanted and over-dramatized it became difficult to evaluate the evidence.
  9. No thank you. It's one thing if you have a solid QB in place and are looking to spend a mid-round pick on a guy who might be able to develop in 3 years. So San Diego, Pittsburgh, NE, etc., have at him. If you're the Bills, you need a guy who is much closer to NFL ready.
  10. LOL! Apparently some of these guys didn't bother to look at the picture in the story (or just missed the joke). And Pete didn't help by posting a pic of some completely different chick.
  11. The first one I remember was at Shea Stadium with my Dad around '83. Joe Cribbs caught the winning TD right in front of us in the last minute. Some douchy old Jets fans was irritated that the seats next to him got sold to Bills fans. Haha
  12. Almost. We still have to change a few more bathroom signs before everything will be perfect.
  13. WTF? He had the guy on the ground for 4 1/2 minutes. He was face down in the hall in the first ten seconds. Isn't that when you're supposed to go put a knee in his back and cuff him? Agree with above statement the cop was just looking for a reason to shoot. I'm on the side of the police about 97% of the time, but this scumbag should have been convicted.
  14. People react.... http://www.foxnews.com/health/2017/11/29/woman-photographed-breast-feeding-son-at-disneyland-goes-viral.html
  15. Pretty sure the not too smart side mostly takes care of itself. Wasn’t she a country-pop star for a few minutes way back when?
  16. If people aren't nice to you on twitter, maybe it's time to stop twittering.
  17. Is there a sliding scale? I’d like to know how racist am I. And Krapernick can go suck Tom’s hairy white balls.
  18. In the coming weeks?? Sen Grope still looking for a Hail Mary.
  19. I think if that's the best five guys we can come up with in nearly 20 years, we know why the drought has gone on so long!
  20. Awesome. Rooting for these arrogant !@#$sticks to crash and burn in disgrace has permanently taken the place of rooting for playoffs for Buffalo teams. It can’t happen often enough. Well yes, but the Senate could hang in the balance so.....we should probably cut him so slack. He used to be a comedian you know.
  21. I love the part when they twist in the wind for the last few days, hoping for a reprieve. Just like Spitzer and Weiner.
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