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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Sorry Frankenberry, looks like your last excuse to hang on just flew out the window!
  2. First time you've ever seen a news conference after a Pats loss, huh? Absolutely. There's a reason he's the only non-Bills coach I tune in to see!
  3. Among other things. Give Cutler his due, he played very well. But anyone who's watched football on a regular basis knows that some games you are on and some games you are off. There is no reason to believe a 6-7 Dolphins team is suddenly going to start stomping everyone in sight. It's more likely they come to Buffalo and completely lay an egg, as they've done repeatedly on the road this season. If that happens, we'll see if the Bills can take advantage.
  4. Liberals eating their own.....I love it. Kinda bummed about Dustin Hoffman though.
  5. Clearly he's gutless. Playing not to win.
  6. Well, a team that was supposed to win less than 6 games has a winning record and a playoff shot in December. It's no surprise the thinking fans are so upset with the GM and HC.
  7. I think the Bills were doomed until Miami played so well tonight (for 3 quarters anyway). No way Smokin' Jay plays this well next weekend.
  8. Aaaaand here comes the self destruct. Nice showing Miami, but I've seen this movie a thousand times and know how it ends.
  9. Refs are still doing everything in their power.
  10. Why do teams always do stupid and unnecessary things against NE? It's maddening.
  11. LOL! Well, there's a 25% chance Bills are on and Fish are off next week!
  12. Wow; Fish look fantastic tonight. Good thing they have no consistency.
  13. Of course. So I guess bullying him is ok again.
  14. Jay is throwing darts tonight, but the refs are all but wearing neon signs announcing ‘Miami will not win.’
  15. Who? I’ve been on planes all day so missed today’s outrage topics.
  16. Was there an eligible receiver anywhere nearby? I only saw linemen but missed a replay.
  17. Sounds like it went off while he was in that gross tunnel between 7th and 8th. People walk quickly through there to get away from the smell of urine. It couldn’t have been a very powerful bomb if the perp only had minor injuries. Amateur hour for sure.
  18. And right on cue, look who responses within seconds! Don't worry MajBooby, I'm sure they'll lose again soon enough and you'll be free to piss and moan nonstop.
  19. Certain "fans" don't care as much about the Bills winning games because they are more invested in looking for things to be angry about and then spam-posting trying justify why they are right.
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