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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Yup. Never seen so much crying over a team that played so far over its head, and made so many moves that ended up putting the right team on the field and into the playoffs. The teeth gnashing over a handful of decisions is hard to believe. We finally have a good, young head coach who gets his guys to care and play hard. I've been waiting years to see that.
  2. These are fantastic. Barstool with the line of the day:
  3. Amazing. As the day went on I wasn't surprised the Bills won, but am in complete shock the stars aligned with the Raven loss. Go Bills!
  4. Still discussing if they can overturn the Cincy TD.
  5. I was celebrating my divorce two weeks earlier. Now married with 3 kids!
  6. One thing I've learned in life is karma almost never catches up with people like Landry.
  7. Bengals offensive line looks only slightly less interested in blocking for Dalton than the Mean Machine was for Paul Crew in the 3d quarter.
  8. Not sure that belongs in the future tense any longer.
  9. This 4th quarter is going to be the perfect epitaph to Marvin Lewis' coaching career.
  10. Unfortunately, the former GM was a disaster at picking QBs when he was actually here making those decisions, so that's probably why his input was not solicited. So are you advocating for another full blow up of the FO and coaching staff? Maybe that's been the issue -- giving guys 2 or 3 years is just too darn long.
  11. You just don't understand what you're watching. He's the most valuable member of the offense and everyone else's stats are better because of his incredible decoying! Oh wait, that's the Magic Sammy line.....
  12. Right?? I spent a week in Palm Coast about 15 years ago. Friend of a chick I was seeing invited us down to her parent's house. Nice place with a pool, the other guy and I shot a couples rounds of golf, some fun spots for the four of us to go out. But you could just feel the white trash everywhere you went. There are just too many dudes like this in areas where you can rent a house for peanuts.
  13. To be clear, I'd grab him without hesitation in the draft but hopefully whoever does that is smart enough to have him sit on the bench for a year or two behind someone like Eli, Rivers, Brees or Brady. Agree there is a huge risk of throwing him to the wolves too early.
  14. Just ask 3 year starter Matt Leinart about that!
  15. I honestly couldn't pick him out of the lineup, but that's what national guys do. They just look for any player who can fit the corporate social issue of the day. On the heels of Kaepernick, finding a black QB who is oh-so-unappreciated by his team just allows them to write the same crap you can read about any variety of online publications. Obviously the coaching staff doesn't see Taylor as the future QB and doesn't see their current team as a serious contender, so they wanted to see what their rookie could do. And of course that infuriated a fan base who only cares about this year. But why write that when you get more attention trying to stir up 'controversy'. The lesson, as always, don't watch ESPN before the opening kickoff or after to the final whistle.
  16. There's no doubt about his talent, but Darnold has looked up and down in the games I've seen. Personally I think he should take out a big ass insurance policy and go back to school for another year.
  17. He’s a rookie who plays with an inaccurate QB on an offense that struggles to find rhythm. It’s not surprising he hasn’t found his game yet. Zay is far down the list of issues for the Bills.
  18. Trump trolls the Church of Climate Change and liberals flail about in hysterics like a trout on the dock. http://www.cnn.com/2017/12/28/politics/trump-global-warming-tweet/index.html
  19. ....says Mr. Cut & Paste, while he pines for the glory days of Tyrod to Sammy!
  20. Or least as 'key' as the 4th leading receiver on the team can be.
  21. https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/8d51d259-4eec-37e0-9097-efb7d7bff428/bay-city-school-teacher.html
  22. Probably cost them some courtside seats.
  23. What a great song. My absolute favorite song-ending guitar solo.
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