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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I haven't seen the first half one which sounds like it was controversial, but the 2 point conversion was clearly an in the grasp thing; whistle blew well before the ball came out.
  2. Disagree. I think the protection has been fantastic, even sticking with their blocks when Mariota has been moving in the pocket and allowing him to get outside to run. And of course the run blocking has been lights out. But agree Mariota is playing really well too.
  3. Unless they lose by 2 because he was dumb enough to chase two point conversions and then call two horrible plays on the attempts.
  4. Eric Decker plays for TN now? Who knew!
  5. Titans O-line has been fantastic this half.
  6. Only if I have a desire to see more beggers, which isn't often.
  7. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?
  8. Meathead chasing points way too early. And dumb play.
  9. Does he get credit for both in fantasy? Great play. Can't believe TN is still hanging around with all the miscues.
  10. And an F for everything else. Worst poster on this site.
  11. Kelly, obviously. Real question is who would be #2? I'd probably have to go with either Andre Reed (if Shady can play) or Thurmal if Shady is severely limited. I think the D can hold up, but this team is going to have trouble moving the ball and scoring.
  12. He'll be long gone but man, I'd kill to have this guy on the Bills. He's big, mean and very good. And for those in the 'wasting a pick on a guard' camp, ask Leveon Bell how that DeCastro pick worked out for Pittsburgh.
  13. Nate Silver and CNN’s exit polls say Jacksonville is a sure thing.
  14. "lifers" are the death of any business.
  15. Yup; that was almost as bad a decision as not giving the ball to Lynch in the Super Bowl.
  16. His team is starting to fall apart. I think their window has closed and could see him hanging them up before a full rebuild is needed.
  17. Unless he's really a hateful, corrupt, blonde !@#$ who's married to Bill Clinton in disguise.......I vote Approve.
  18. I wonder if my guy who sells the NY Post is still at the corner of 42nd and Vanderbilt. Used to buy from him every day.
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