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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. No more immigrants from sh--hole countries! https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-attacks-protections-for-immigrants-from-shithole-countries-in-oval-office-meeting/2018/01/11/bfc0725c-f711-11e7-91af-31ac729add94_story.html?utm_term=.2712eb2614f7
  2. Getting people to read complete garbage online?
  3. I hear this, but at the same time, the London game a few years ago was a blast and people there were very into it. I don't see the harm as long as it's only a few games. What no one wants to consider is, there may no longer be 32 American cities who are willing to consistently support a team and it's financial demands.
  4. To quote a certain long time poster, "You shouldn't hate". Using that example, I don't hate any team......except NE*. Likes: Giants, Niners, Vikings
  5. But worse that he overruled the medical staff and is now too hurt to play against NE.
  6. We hated him when he was here just like we hate every OC here. That's actually the real streak we've yet to break: # consecutive years Bills fans have screamed for the OC to be fired. It's been what, 28 years since Marchibroda? Come to think of it, I'm sure people where screaming to fire him too.
  7. What makes anyone think Romo has the slightest interest in stepping on a football field again? But I'd be happy to pay him to be the commentator for all Bills games.
  8. As with any large organization, no one 'runs the show', the show is run by a bunch of people operating in concert. Success or failure is largely determined by the ability of those people to be productive and effective both individually and collectively.
  9. No high draft picks on WRs. They rarely contribute as rookies and are easy to find in FA.
  10. Should be a smooth transition for all the Tyrod believers.
  11. Bills have had a stop-gap QB for the last 20 years. Frankly, I'm kind of sick of it.
  12. Yeah, that's new. Obama used to come to Manhattan for fundraisers and shut down half the city. They'd stop !@#$ing subways because he was somewhere above ground.
  13. Exactly. What do people expect, a WR who's better than 101st in receptions and 63rd in yards?? Give Tyrod some weapons like Sammy and Da'Rick and the Bills are a lock for the Super Bowl!
  14. Oops...gave them too much credit. 26-23 final.
  15. GA will end up with a 43 yard FG.
  16. That and zero offense in the second half. You could see this coming as soon as UA kicked the FG to get within 10 and then shut down GA.
  17. The GA kid? I got home in the 3d quarter but he hasn't done anything since I turned it on. This game is even more puzzling than the KC-Titans game. How did Alabama not win this 45-0?
  18. Whatever. If we were still throwing 6 yard patterns with 30 seconds left and no TOs, I'm not sure what difference it was going to make.
  19. Usually we do that for a soft WR or a third rate DE.
  20. No chance. They are dead. Only question is if Alabama needs to go to OT for the win. I'm guessing no.
  21. My problem with that is that while he's fine from a 'he's ok if everything else is working and can win some games' standpoint, yes. But to me, a mentor needs to have the ability to reach teach a young guy how to think about defenses and when to throw the ball, etc. Basically the things Taylor isn't good at. That's why I think a different veteran would be the right choice to mentor a rookie.
  22. This game is over. The college Patriots win again.
  23. I don't know what's worse. That so many people who loudly criticized the Bills attitude toward Taylor finally watched a Bills game for the first time yesterday and now understand the issue, or that so many Bills fans watch them every week and some of them STILL don't get it.
  24. By a mile. He's fantastic. Tells you exactly who deserve credit or blame on a play, what was missed, etc. And yes, he was also the best QB in the stadium today.
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