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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. How long until we can start calling for his head?
  2. Hilarious movie. Great interplay with Grodin, who is one of my favorite comedic actors. Very good call here. He may have been more menicing and scary as an abusive husband/step-father than he was in any mob movie.
  3. Good. Pittsburgh never beat better teams; and they especially never beat NE. At Foxboro they had zero chance. At least Jax is a team NE hasn't faced and beaten over and over again.
  4. Don't let Biscuit and the other angry SJWs hear that kind of talk. Blood is in the water and want to be outraged!!
  5. Frankly, I wish everyone would react this way to unsubstantiated accusations. Media jerkoffs are just upset they haven’t been able to turn it into a page-click bonanza.
  6. Watching the WWE and following the script. Oh no wait, it's the football game.
  7. National Fixed League Happen every time you watch this team. You missed the ignored facemask against NE* on a 4th down play in the last minute of the half.
  8. It's like some people have completely forgotten the '00s. Happy to draft a RB on day 3 but not before then. Also, RBs seem to transition to the pro game much more quickly than many other positions so no rush on overspending for one while Shady is still in his prime.
  9. Good. Falcons had no chance against NE in the SB. That team likely never recovers emotionally from that game which shall remain nameless.
  10. Same in the heartland. We go to our giant parent company's HQ in Des Moines and literally every single cubical has either an Iowa or Iowa State banner hanging in it.
  11. This. Many, many college football fans are only fans of their alma mater, not the sport in general. And this. They rig it every year in favor of the big name, southeast teams because they want the highest ratings. But over time that may come to harm the sport. p.s. Congrats to the undefeated national champion UCF Knights.
  12. I view him the same way I viewed him when he was at Florida State -- as a college QB with limited passing skills and hence, limited upside. When they drafted him I wanted to believe he could play in the NFL but it became apparent quickly that the Bills had once again talked themselves into drafting a guy who was never going to be capable of doing that with any consistency and/or at a high level.
  13. And meanwhile, teams running pro offenses with pro QBs will continue to win championships.
  14. He’s been missed since the day he left the broadcast booth. RIP
  15. Seriously? It was a perfectly reasonable question. James is an ahole.
  16. I'm way ahead of the pack. I've despised him for at least two years. Ah yes, fond memories of the Mets always prioritizing solid defense! There's reason the '99 team is one of my favorites.
  17. A guy with a real estate portfolio worth billions only sold $35M worth? I guess he's still bullish on real estate, huh? I love when idiots act all shocked when people use basic tax strategies as if they were just invented in some back room.
  18. Well yes, the Clinton do suck, and I couldn't care less how much money people blow on a wedding (extravagant weddings are a wonderful example of trickle-down economics at work), but the reason it's ok to call any country a sh--hole is because sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. The best thing about Trump is how easily he can bring out the laughably absurd and fake 'outrage' from the lemmings. Idiots all over facebook posting videos of Anderson Cooper supposedly "choking back tears". I mean honestly, how gullible and desperate to be preached to do you need to be to fall for that kind of nonsense? These people are every bit as stupid as the yahoos who send money to televangelists.
  19. No surprise you're still clinging to the Sammy Watkins fantasy and can't see beyond ridiculous cherry picked stats. Who needs 9 yard pass plays! What a waste!
  20. I'd take Landry over any two guys on that list. OMG, how embarrassing for him!!! I can't imagine the horror of having a guy who plays every week and catches >100 passes a year.
  21. Quite the fantasy, isn't it? If Obama had said that the media would have reported it as "Obama attempting to strengthen quality of American workforce". Watching the faux hysterics from the left every time he opens his mouth is really an endless source of entertainment.
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