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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Same deal here in SF. No fires on 'Spare the Air' days. Same here, come to think of it. Only had one accident when stones (fender bender), but a perfect operational record when drunk. Those were the days!
  2. .....stopping an endless number of inane threads about crappy QBs? Apparently.
  3. Same. Nelson is can't miss prospect of that group. I'd be ecstatic if the Bills ended up with him.
  4. Don't piss off the yoga instructor by refusing to say "Namaste".
  5. Of course...the Mets 1B of the future turns out to be Karlos Williams. It never ends.
  6. That one was worse since the refs ignored the OPI. Cowboys were the Pats* of that era.
  7. Perhaps she can come back as a Zombie, Zombie, Zombie-ie-ie....... Too soon?
  8. On the bright side, after the alert went out I bet a few people got laid who otherwise wouldn't have. So these things tend to balance out.
  9. That's love marriage for ya. Vikings - Then we'll hear a week about the Vikings and Bills both being 0-4.
  10. Life is too short to hate anyone besides the Patriots.
  11. Different groups? Hardly. They all operate with the same shared goal: to maximize short term profits. That's why a loss in November is absolutely fatal to virtually every college football team. But to Alambama? Nope, you get a freebie, every time. And it's not about who is assumed to be 'better' by biased humans, it's about who is more deserving. Teams that fail to qualify for even their conference championship are clearly not deserving of an opportunity to play for a national championship. You want to know how to standardize it? Easy. Only conference champions go to the playoffs, period. But then we couldn't rig it to have multiple teams come from the southeast that will help to maximize ratings and advertising rates. "Participation Champions" indeed. Now that's some funny irony.
  12. Which explains why the NFL has a consistent policy of running the PAT play in those situations. Of course, if they had a consistent policy of NOT running the play it would achieve the same end without the charade of bringing guys back out on the field.
  13. Vikings for sure, but of course the real answer is 'anyone but...'
  14. I bet that 100 year old lady didn't give up on the Vikes!
  15. Not 'fer nothin', but wasn't the line Vikings -5??? That PAT might have mattered to some folks.
  16. Absolutely incredible game. Happy because I was rooting for the Vikings, but concerned that the Saints had a better shot to win the SB.
  17. That's exactly what I thought was going to happen. Saints pretty much only needed to defend the sidelines 25 yards downfield and that's exactly where they let Diggs catch it.
  18. She is awful in every way. But I love the Hollywood liberals eating each other; please let it continue. And she was shocked, SHOCKED!, that a man would put his hand on her breast after she went back to his apartment with him after a night out together. Who knew such things could happen!!
  19. I swear, the Bills could hire the reincarnated Paul Brown and people here would still B word about it. Just incredible.
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