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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Let me guess....they'll get an at large bid to the tournament over some 25 win team from a 'non power 5' conference.
  2. That was hilarious. Then he has to pretend he's buying Suzie a house when he gets busted.
  3. Nothing like idiots arguing over whose state sucks worse....as a result of their left wing policies. Don't miss it at all.
  4. Good watch. It's clear Parcells had a lot to do with BB's development and long term success. But he did do BB wrong initially on the Jets thing.
  5. Agree they didn't really put it together until mid-last season, but the year prior they lost EC Matthews for the season in the opener so that screwed them big time. 14 straight!
  6. Look in the paper for realtors who have listings in your price range. Don’t think the ones with the big dollar listings are better— they’re not and will likely give you worse service. Other than that, look at the pictures and call one who’s hot.
  7. Will it be a guy from Tulane who I've never heard of before?
  8. Lane Pryce -- hanging himself in his office when he was all out of options. Horrible. Also, Matthew Crawley (for sheer timing) and poor Adriana La Cerva.
  9. I wasn't always impressed with the results but I think his talent is very clear. He should have stayed at USC to polish his game.
  10. They had to trash all their planned "18 years and counting, fire everyone!!!" tantraums so they gotta make up for it somewhere.
  11. Yup; Rickey was pretty much a jerk his whole career, even back to Notre Dame. But a fantastic talent and uber productive.
  12. It's actually a little odd teams don't literally have this given how often they waste money on guys who haven't grown the !@#$ up.
  13. I actually forgot this game hasn't been played yet; it already feels like the offseason.
  14. Really could be any of the top 5 but Denver is the easiest sell. Great franchise, great city, recent success, Elway not afraid to make a big move.
  15. That's quite a letter; kudos to Aaron. Not many people do that much soul searching in life, much less lay it bare to the public.
  16. Actually, to Flutie's credit, his throw went over every member of the Miami defense on that play and landed right in Phelan's hands, so not sure that really qualifies as a true Hail Mary.
  17. It's always been an event for me, the way chicks think of the Oscars; nothing could interfere. This year, I won't intentionally keep the TV off if I'm home, but I won't be sitting with rapt attention like every other Super Bowl since I was about 7. This year it'll be more like background noise while knocking things off the honey-do list.
  18. I don't give a rat's ass about the NCAA. I want to know why scumbags like Emmert aren't in shackles awaiting trial? If some loved one took justice into their own hands in this type of case it wouldn't break my heart any.
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