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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Why? The have a salary cap and shared TV revenue to ensure competetive balance.
  2. I thought it was always because of "Bush's oil buddies"
  3. I wonder if BB was planning to retire after JM got locked in with the Colts just to screw Kraft and Brady and now he'll have to stay another year to save face.
  4. I always thought as long as the title was factually correct it was just good fun to get people excited!
  5. Sure, why not? It's been 20 years, what's another few with a 'stop-gap' at QB.
  6. Yup. The reason they win 12 games every year and go to half the Super Bowls is exactly because BB holds players to that standard.
  7. Yup. His system and style has won a lot of games and it succeeds because he doesn't make compromises.
  8. I sure hope that means he has a try out with the Argos coming up.
  9. I didn't watch a play or follow the game in any way. Instead I went to a little Mediterranean place (no TVs) for dinner with a friend. Around 10 ET I instinctively went to check my phone but stopped after realizing it would only disrupt the nice evening I was having. As we were leaving about 45 minutes later I got a notification from my news app that the Eagles had won. I happily drove home and watched the highlights. My only regret was not having done the same last year.
  10. I'll make some wings this week to celebrate.
  11. As I've said many times, she is easily the most corrupt politician since and maybe including Nixon and Johnson. Just a disgusting excuse for a human being on every level. There is no possible circumstance where her death will be anything but a great day for humanity and America.
  12. And yet frequently in these big game the Pats* offense does little in the first half and then after adjustments is unstoppable in the 2nd.
  13. Happy they lost, but we should be talking about 5 straight losses for Brady and 7 total losses.
  14. Yeah, just slightly. We finally felt our first minor rumble a few weeks back. Enough to wake me up, but not enough to keep me from falling back asleep ten minutes later. We love this environment for kids so we'll reassess in ten years when they're off to college. If necessary we'll move somewhere cheaper, but if we're in position to stay we probably will for the location, community and weather. And actually, aside from the occasional mountain road sliding into the sea, the roads here are great since it never freezes. I haven't seen a pot hole in 2 years.
  15. Actually I didn't say anything close that. I said I don't miss the idiots in CT who, along with the idiots in RI, have been in a race to be as liberal of MA for decades and it's now costing them economically. Ideally yes, we'd have fewer liberal loonies in CA and lower tolerance for bums pissing on Market Street, but the fact remains the Bay Area has a ridiculously booming economy that the Northeast doesn't, and if you want exposure a large variety of tech jobs and live somewhere with excellent schools for your kids, then the best place is still near large coastal cities. Plus the weather and natural beauty here beats just about anywhere else in the US. That's why I live here. I can ignore shrill idiots who think Trump = Hilter easier than I can ignore douchebag Pats* fans all over CT.
  16. Has anyone mentioned that TO should have been a first ballot guy? None of those guys belong in the HOF.
  17. That looks much more fun than providing a sample the old fashioned way. But I gotta say, they need some work on the design. Instead of the single base, shouldn't it be supported by two legs increasing in width as they go down, and have the top of the machine much more, uh, rounded, and with appropriately shaped handles?
  18. Or maybe Matt Hasselbeck? He took a team to the Super Bowl you know.
  19. Oh don't get me wrong, seeing Duke lose is always a pleasure. I'm just gearing up early for the annual bullshi-- where they put 9 teams from the ACC or Big 10 into the tourney.
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