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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Same here Amazing that people are still clinging to the Manziel fantasy. Hey, maybe Tebow is available -- all he did was win!
  2. Of course not. Busy-bodies and lawyers ruined a good time for all concerned.....so be it. Nothing of value lost. They are an anachronism anyway.
  3. Is Hobbs bleeding out of a hole in his side? Regardless, L/R matchup and Vaughn's weakness for giving up the long ball favors Hobbs.
  4. Easy choice -- Cabaret is a fantastic show. I saw it 3x in NYC back in the 90s.
  5. I thought they just ate day-old American food.
  6. If you are outraged by players kneeing for the national anthem or by what Richtie Incognito may or may not have said in a lockroom or in the heat of a football game, but you are not outraged by taxpayers forking over $10M to a guy getting fired FOR CAUSE, you need to wake the !@#$ up. I've held financial management roles in private enterprises for 25 years and have never once seen or heard of a contract paying 5 cents to someone if they get fired for cause. If I was Emperor tomorrow, every person who signed off on this contract on behalf of AZ would be violently executed in the public square. I'm not even close to joking. This **** is what is destroying our country. The day for-profit college sports is completely dismantled will be a great day for this country.
  7. USA! USA! USA! The match actually was starting as I was going to bed around 11:30 last night -- I caught Mr. T's awesome pre-match phone call -- and the replay was on when I woke up, so avoided the web (and this thread). What a great match --- the 5 pointer was epic. This an the girls' hockey were the highlights of the Games.
  8. Those two things are beyond infuriating. !@#$ing coward cop should be in prison. Or shot. As for the FBI, they couldn't even be bothered with the pre-9/11 warnings after a decade of escalating global terrorist events, so better temper expectations there.
  9. How 'bout the USA in the gold medal game for men's curling! Pretty early start tomorrow.
  10. I wouldn't go so far as 'hate', but let's just say if I never saw or heard from Shaun White again I wouldn't be missing anything.
  11. Raise your hand if you were one of the many ass-hats on this board who bought in Martin's b.s. story without a second thought, threw Incognito under the bus and then declared how you'd never stand for him playing in Buffalo! Fixed
  12. Boy, were they close on that chance in the last minute. Canadian girl had her arms halfway raised. That would have been crushing after all the OT chances the US had.
  13. I actually thought Canada looked more complete during most of regulation, but USA looked good in the 3d and dominated OT with the open ice. Well deserved win.
  14. Yup....North Bay is awesome. And most of the city is fine.
  15. 'We Aren’t Addressing the Root Cause' Which is.....that liberals continuing to think people should have the right to sleep, shoot-up, and sh-- anywhere they please. New York used to be like this too until Rudy showed up and had the cops sweep these people up, take them to the shelters and make it clear they weren't going to be allowed to sprawl all over Broadway. They won't do that here because blah, blah, 'inhumane', blah, blah.
  16. Maybe he was just trying to say that Jackson lacks certain necessities to play QB....
  17. Maybe it would be more interesting if Kirstie sat in the middle of the sheet and they had to curl the stones around her giant ass.
  18. IIRC, her last husband was banging the 17 year old baby sitter or something along those lines. The NY Post had a field day.
  19. Nothing like the unbrided homoeroticism of the Olympic men's figure skating competition. I'm convinced whichever flaming ex-skater does the commentary has a bet with his friends about how many double entendres he can work into his skating analysis.
  20. Sounds like getting married to her is a heck of a lot more fun than being married to her.
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