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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. That’s the kind of project you can’t turn back on. Remember kids, don’t short change the planning step.
  2. That’s the best example of a victimless crime I’ve seen yet.
  3. I wonder how the guy at KFC who championed the switch to a different logistics outfit is feeling right now?
  4. Ugh....that's terrible. Cancer coming back is even worse than the first discovery.
  5. Demorcats being the scum of the earth? Agreed.
  6. Seriously? Unless his mother is an attorney or something, that actually is a red flag. Is he going to use TurboTax after he gets signing bonus too?
  7. There has never been anything the least bit sad about a Kennedy being crushed. Kennedys and Clintons. The lesson as always: Democrats are the scum of the earth.
  8. A handful of the pros, sure. But the vast majority are thrilled just to be there. I don’t usually watch the opening/closing ceremonies, but I watched the closing with my daughter and thought it was pretty cool.
  9. Admittedly my NJ experience is largely limited to highways, but I always found NJ (and really the whole tri-state area) relatively easy to manage because of the consistency. You can safely assume that in any situation someone will drive as fast and aggressive as possible. In NJ it's just 10 mph faster in every situation than in CT. NY is entirely traffic dependent. MA is the same expect people are bigger a--holes and you get the sense that being an a--hole is more of a motivation than getting somewhere more quickly. Someone should do a study to see if MA drivers have become bigger a--holes since the Pats* and Red Sox starting winning championships. CA by comparison is somewhat more courteous because unlike everywhere on the east coast this isn't the case:
  10. The 14 yo thing totally ruins it....which is a shame because she's pretty hot.
  11. It's amazing how this was never an issue for like 80 years and then suddenly these idiots are ruining playoff games over it. #DezShotFirst One of the worst aspects of human nature is the need to 'fix' things that aren't broken. [See also: replay, Instant.]
  12. And of course, NE* and Cleveland end up in the AFC Championship, causing the biggest debate on TSW since Flutie/RJ. Don't be ridiculous. They'd take a CB and a S.
  13. #1: I'd be more in favor of not calling incidental contact fouls designed specifically to benefit the Pats* and other 'name' teams the NFL wants to do well. #2: Since that's unlikely to happen, I guess this is the next best thing. #3: I almost suggested a two stage rule with spot fouls for flagrant PI, but then I remembered #1.
  14. Tim Tindale's 4 catches for 100+ yards against the Jets. He had one other reception in his career.
  15. That’s a tough one because you want great shows to stick around for as long as they stay great, but the tendency is to overstay that period. I love when shows end at the right time. Men Mad, Breaking Bad and Sopranos stayed just long enough.
  16. No sympathy here, but I did like the hockey team showing the balls to just sing their anthem anyway.
  17. I think 24-8 would be good enough. Regarding your 'Nova point, I just read an interesting article about how the wildly successful basketball program transformed UCONN into a national university over the last 25 years; and the question now is how to maintain that stature in the face of a basketball slump which may be permanent considering how they lost out in the conference reshuffling a few years ago. I suspect they'll be on the hunt for a big name coach to attempt to restore order this offseason.
  18. Bonnies? Unless they collapse or blow the first game of the A10 tourney I think they are close to a sure bet. As it is, we're only getting two from the conference this year unless there is a major tourney upset, which of course I am not rooting for.
  19. Octopus looks yummy....I almost never pass up the chance to order it when out. We should really try it at home.
  20. My Grandmother beat colon cancer and lived another 15+ years; she was much older and research/treatment was 40 years behind today.
  21. You're laughably stupid if you don't understand the difference between how media was run 40 years ago vs today. But....carry on.
  22. Well there is one group to blame for that. Perhaps if the mainstream media went back to simply reporting facts instead of their current business model of for-profit propaganda and agenda pushing, there would be fewer people who refuse to believe anything they report. But yeah, the general level of ignorance is frightening. I once worked with a woman who simply refused to believe we had landed on the moon (and this was 30 years after it happened). She just couldn't fathom the possibility of space travel.
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