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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Actually, the IRS rate is intended to cover gas and maintenance, so $1 gross less .$53 for depreciation nets $.47/mile. So she roughly earned the $3.37 figure in 15 minutes. To only make $3.37/hour, you'd only be driving 7 miles in an hour, which doesn't sound likely even within city gridlock -- where I presume the rates are higher anyway. Most Ubers I've take are of the airport variety; guy spends 5 minutes jockeying for position in airport traffic than goes 70 the rest of the way to my house 30 miles away. Total charge is like $55 for 45 minutes. Aside from whatever other variables were used, I'm guessing the study assumed downtime as 'working time at zero dollars' which would be a bullsh-- assumption in a gig economy job, as there is no incremental dollar cost to that downtime. So yeah, while I agree people considering Uber as a full time job are probably not looking closely enough at the costs, I tend to believe the line of thinking that the real motivation behind these types of stories is the eyeballs generated by the tiny number. I guess no one is going to read it if you say Uber drivers make $11/hour.
  2. Ah yes, the sweet combination of up tight Puritan values and wacka-doodle left wing tax-and-spend schemes.
  3. -Any QB whose top 3 attributes include “makes plays with his legs” -Any RB or WR
  4. West coast swing is late this year, but I may try to see them when they come to SF.
  5. She might be the phoniest person in human history. I mean seriously, name someone who has ever acted more phony than what you just described. It's kind of amazing how absolutely nothing rubbed off after spending decades with Slick Willy.
  6. LOL.....and so far he's given the most eloquent acceptance speech yet. I sure hope John from Hemet and BDawg are watching!
  7. I assume I can get a Marin County resident discount?
  8. I predict the PwC dopes won't be sending out LAMP-y twitters of themselves backstage instead of bothering to know which envelope they hand to award presenters!
  9. It's a little bit scary when you really think about it. The bank said it doesn’t believe the problem is related to a cyber-attack.
  10. Sooooo......you're not going to tell us who your expert friend thinks are the best QBs in this draft? Maybe we should just build around Tyrod and focus on this strengths. He can make plays with his legs, you know.
  11. Agreed, but that change was well underway before Charles arrived. Initially the show resembled the movie -- 3 funny, irreverent guys (Hawkeye, Trapper, Henry) vs. two up-tight foils in Frank and Margaret, with very sharp, biting humor. Everyone else was in the background. They clearly decided to get away from that to appeal to a broader audience, so they drove off Trapper and Henry, turned Margaret into a more sympathetic character, and let Alda and his whiny sidekick Mike Farrell turn it into a preachy show. Once that happened, Frank's humor was wasted anyway.
  12. Or in many cases determine that it's fine and there is nothing to do except have a routine check-in with the cardiologist.
  13. I figured by now everyone had taken step 1 of the program.....
  14. People tend to think of draft picks like money in the bank, but you can't leave it there to earn interest. You have to spend it all on one day (along with everyone else) so the only question is, which combination of players (or potential future players) help your team the most. Obviously any combination of players that does not include a top QB prospect is not going to help the Bills enough.
  15. RIP He did a lot of great voice work on PBS. Yup. It got my Dad at 75 too.
  16. Is this what the 'impeach Trump' circle jerk is currently clinging to? lol
  17. I think it's a safe assumption that a professional team considering making a multi-million dollar investment in a player would perform a far more thorough medical review than would a college with hundreds and hundreds of student athletes in it's sports programs. Unless a college athlete is injured, I doubt there little if any interaction with medical staff. Actually it's a little surprising that isn't obvious to people.
  18. It's not trading up that's the problem. It's trading up for players like JP Losman, John McCargo and Sammy Watkins.
  19. Waddya mean?? They didn't need a top flight (or even medium flight) QB to back-door into one playoff game over the last 18 years, did they??
  20. I love how ABC news is now aghast at Republicans for shutting down 'corporate welfare'.
  21. Do we need a separate thread for Mets injuries? Don’t want to drown out the other discussion topics.
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