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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I do need to get up for work tomorrow you know. Caught 3 minutes of Hillary......"stolen" "I won" and the rest of the usual wailing. Hilarious that she was relegated to the opening act before anyone was watching. Caught 5 seconds of Kammy......holy crap, was that the most disingenuous, forced smile in human history or what? Seriously, if you can find a picture of someone with a more phony smile, please post it here.
  2. Yeah......I think I'm ok with the decision to not release video of a 75 year old guy getting a handjob. Kraft was humiliated....that was the punishment. This story can die now.
  3. That's fuggin' hilarious.
  4. OP is correct, Russiagate was not a Democratic hoax. It was a failed coup.
  5. Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival Mill Valley Film Festival Mill Valley Block Party Our town does all sorts of fun, cool stuff in the autumn....but looks like none of them will happen this year.
  6. The leftists are even going back to the Russia hoax?? Wow....guess there's not much they won't try over the next few months.
  7. Someone tried to file for unemployment using my info....apparently UI fraud is spiking with COVID. So I dutifully call the CA EDD Fraud hotline.....after a nice long intro message about all sorts of bullsh--, the recording says that 'due to COVID, there is no one to take your call. You can leave a msg but we won't call you back'. Apparently the Government Paper Shufflers International Union has all the state employees sitting at home collecting full pay and bennies while no one puts any effort in combating the surge in fraud. Solid work Gavin!
  8. I was always baffled at how much pride some people took in that.
  9. I was really looking forward to them getting tested by Samford and Western Mississippi A&M this year, and right in the heart of the schedule as always.
  10. Are we planning anything big for the 20 anniversary?
  11. People of all political stripes can agree that gatorman is an idiot, no matter how many times he changes his user name.
  12. Can someone explain to me what "no excuses" means? If on the first play of the season, Diggs and Brown run into each other on a crossing pattern and are both knocked out for the season, does that mean Josh sucks when the passing game falls apart?
  13. So just to be clear, the Democrats have been "going high" the last four years? I have to admit I'm pretty curious to see what "going low" would look like in Trump's second term! They cut off his comment. Biden followed that up with "There will be growth in the spring.”
  14. It may be a convenient excuse, but on behalf of us old timers I'll point out that the reputation score started many years after the post counts began!!
  15. He'd have to be a disaster this year for them to forgo the 5th year option. And while yes, they'd need to commit to the expensive 5th year, that's a heck of a lot different than committing to $35mm a year for 6 years or whatever he'll cost if he re-ups.
  16. Of course not. He's on a 4 year contract with a 5th year team option. That means next year is his make or break year, no matter how much anyone wants to pretend otherwise.
  17. When did 'JetsFan' change his name to 'Inigo Montoya'?
  18. What is really disturbing is the Democrats clearly trying to create a system where there is no winner on election night.....but rather 'announced' days(?), weeks(?), months(?) later after who know what happens in the back rooms. They are already seeding that expectation for November in the media. They have certainly learned from their failed attempt in 2000. They know that it's impossible to corrupt an election in hundreds or thousands of places on a single night. But it's quite doable if you have a month and you've sent home all those nice, honest, old ladies who work the polls on election day and replaced them with operatives that have been given a goal to create the desired results.
  19. We should postpone the election by two years and extend the term of President to six years. >Split the baby on Trump re-election >Avoid electing a man with dementia >Eliminate Presidential re-elections. You get one full term.
  20. I agree you need to keep your base excited/engaged, but I don't think that's an issue for Trump. He's the master at that game. Otherwise, I think 2016 was more a matter of her party abandoning the upper mid-west base over time in favor of identify politics that appeals to the coasts. It was coming for a while but covered up because Obama was a likable candidate and produced massive black turnout.
  21. I think the 'solidify the base' approach is almost always a loser. Nobody who really cares about pro-life is voting for Biden. The people Trump needs to be concerned about about the swing voters in the swing state. And most of those people don't like to be lectured about either pro-life or about how much of a 'racist' they are because they are white. Because the left has overplayed their hand on the later point, this is the rare election where they aren't going to be able to paint the GOP as 'wacky religious nuts want to take away women's rights', which they have been very successful doing the past 25 years. Instead the left will be busy defending themselves as the wacky nuts who support domestic terrorists in Portland. The quickest way to a Biden election would be to shift that focus back to abortion. So for those who really want to limit abortion, your best strategy is (as always) to STFU about it.
  22. So the strategy is to use the 'Night of a Thousand Democratic Has-Been Stars' to distract everyone from the fact they've nominated Early Stage Joe? You better believe they'll have the 'technical difficulties' cued up and ready to take him offline at a moment's notice. Vegas has established the Over/under on that one at 2.5 3.5 on the fake laugh, with or without the 'c'mon man'.
  23. This is an incredibly stupid place for the GOP to hang its hat in an election year.....Abortion should be the last thing they talk about.
  24. Here in Buffalo? I didn't know they still had a team.
  25. Hard to say without knowing ages and drinking habits of the people you're talking about, but lots of things in play. -Everyone has a different tolerance, both naturally and built up over a lifetime of hard work (aka drinking). -Alcohol has a greater impact as people age...you're just not as young/fit as you once were, but that should be a gradual change. -Social issues could be upping the alcohol intake of some people. Aging isn't graceful for everyone --- plenty of people self-medicate as the dreams of youth slip away. So, I'd say if the same guy is acting very differently than he did ten years ago when you'd hang out, pay attention to how much he's putting away. Otherwise, maybe your circle of friends is just not what it used to be. Or it could be that you're just becoming a cranky old man.
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