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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Well that was anti climactic..... Wouldn't you think the guy with the dashboard cam would either pass him or move over a couple lanes??
  2. I think the problem comes in when you are forced to confront the reality that he is not a murderer in the eyes of our system of laws and process that we have constructed our entire society upon. Had he been convicted it would have been an easy call.
  3. Sweet 16 was in '88 under Penders; beat ' Cuse, lost to Duke. Late 90s was the Elite 8 run under Jim Harrick.
  4. Duh...of course. Gettin' old here! But Xavier was in the A-10 back then too, right? I'm not totally senile yet? That Temple team was good. URI was terrific that year but lost all 3 times to Temple, all in close games.
  5. Weren't they a #1 in 1988 with Mark Macon? The won something like their first 25 games or so.
  6. I probably watched more golf yesterday than in the last 2-3 years combined.
  7. I'd love to see the A-10 with 3; far more deserving than some 8th seed in the ACC or Big 10 with a losing conference record. Arrggg on that last possession by Rhody.
  8. Ask me again when camp starts. No games scheduled in March.
  9. Yes it's an upgrade for Cleveland, but they had no other direction to travel. At some point though, the Browns will be forced to throw the ball to win a game and their fans will understand the issue.
  10. Has anyone checked on ScottLaw to make sure he's ok?
  11. Ngata, Ngata, Ngata work here anymore..... Just seeing his name still pisses me off. Great job Marv.
  12. But he's past the point in his career where he'll uproot his family over a few million bucks. So he'll agree to a team friendly team in NO.
  13. I didn't watch Jackson play at all in college so don't know if he's the guy or not. BUT, I do know that the quote above is used as justification every year for certain players, and is it not a good one. Warnings about Tebow and Maziel were routinely shot down with similar "scoreboard" logic.
  14. Pales in comparison to blowing the MNF game against Dallas. Up by 8 with the ball on the Dallas 10 and 6 minutes to go. That game was unlosable. Even if McKelvin doesn't fumble, Bills were going 3-and-out, punt, and Brady beats them anyway.
  15. Hey, remember when Democrats thought it was harmless and cool if the President was getting lots of tail?
  16. I stopped reading when I got to Mark Pike and Butch Rolle. Yeah, those were big misses in the 7th round!
  17. I've always liked Chris Ivory -- solid vet, hard runner. Now draft someone on day 3.
  18. Nope; anyone is free to work from home if weather is bad. Or if it’s good.
  19. What do cord cutters do for internet? I assume if I ditched cable, Comcast would just double the bill for internet, and I assume the small providers don’t have nearly as fast connection.
  20. I'd rather go into the season with Laurel and Hardy as starting DEs than Tyrod Taylor as starting QB.
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