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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. What a gut check....pulling that game out after going cold from the field and losing 3 guys to fouls. Good for KSU. Down go the big names!
  2. Good. He'll underperform and start throwing tantrums on the sideline when things don't go his way. Jets always need their malcontent WR.
  3. Some old timer used to always run that here. Forget his name, it was something like B Bob or J John.
  4. He was just leading you down the primrose path, Mrs. Beuller.
  5. Yup, that's true. But if this is the year to grab a franchise QB and the Bills don't come away with one, that's a big step back.
  6. Yup....I don't see how that was anything but a big !@#$ up. He who hesitates is lost.
  7. Wow, good thing they had a "saftey driver" sitting there staring at their cell phone! Of course that doesn't excuse the woman strolling across the road in the direct path of a car. No indication there was any crosswalk anywhere near her from that video, and even if there was, you are only supposed to walk out and just assume the cars will stop if you live in California.
  8. !@#$ing scumbag thief. Worst Met ever.
  9. So....understanding the English language has also 'evolved' to fit the 21st Century? Go illiteracy!!
  10. Of course that goes both ways. Lefties endlessly blathered about ‘consensual adults’ during the Slick Willie years, and they still deify JFK for screwing anything that moved. So hardly a surprise when the same tactics are used by the other side. Meanwhile, the left is still feigning shock their October surprise of Trump’s indiscretions didn’t swing the election.
  11. I wonder how math and logic questions have been changed to become more appropriate to modern times.
  12. I just hate when I have a ‘botched robbery’ and accidentally double tap a guy in the back of the head.
  13. How much of that is unrealized (ie., yet to be taxed) gains? The NFL is only interested in people who can just write a check, a la Pegs. They don't want debt or a cabal of minority investors. I highly doubt there is any celebrity who can come close to NFL ownership. Celebs just don't generate that kind of coin.
  14. That's not 'wealth inequality', that's the difference between people who understand how to manage their resources vs people who don't. Handing more free money to the 63% isn't going to result in them having any additional saving. Unless you are an off the boat immigrant who can't speak English, there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever to not have the ability to pay for a $500 emergency. And that excuse is only good for about a year. Maybe you can share what portion of that 63% own a cell phone and have cable/satellite TV service. It's idiocy like this that leads countries to end up like Greece.
  15. But...but...it was a robbery.....where the robber didn't spend four seconds to bend over and take the wallet and watch off a dead guy he'd just shot.
  16. Why would he participate? If you believe the hype, he has nowhere to go but down.
  17. I could see getting sticky with her.
  18. Yup. All the way to Arnhem, please. I'll be pissed if they aren't picking in front of the Jets on draft day.
  19. Nothing downgrades your driving experience like having young kids. $ priorities + need to fit a bunch of car seats = downgraded driving experience.
  20. You know...maybe Hillary was the plant for Trump. He has the cash to buy her off. Seriously, who else could he have defeated?
  21. I wished you'd just mail them to CNN and WaPo.
  22. Even the Jets wouldn't be dumb enough to draft a RB #3. Then again...they did take Blair Thomas.
  23. I don't really get this -- what did he do specifically to lose? He took a completely non-traditional path that he knew would attracts horde of people who are tired of the same b.s. double-talk from Washington and combined that with attacks on an already enormously unpopular opponent.
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