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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Anyone who can finish a PGA event in the top 10 has a chance, so sure he has a chance, but so do dozens of other guys. And that's golf; unless you are Tiger from 15 years ago, the odds are very long against any one guy.
  2. Love it....this board used to have a lot more of this type of thing!
  3. Excuse me, the Obama Administration is over. Time to change that headline.
  4. Makes about as much sense as Hillary being relevant in 2018.
  5. Of course, after 3 years of Fitz we didn't have a crowd of posters still saying "he's not being utilized correctly" or "they should build around Fitz's talents". When one group insists on sticking to their position no matter the evidence, other people will naturally attempt to make the opposing case more forcefully. That's just human nature.
  6. What a terrible story. Clearly the solution is to vote for politicians who promise even more government rules and enforcement.
  7. Also love there is zero tolerance for asshats screaming ‘mashed potatoes’ and other stupid ****.
  8. And there ya go....both posters here are correct. Some people are shrewd enough to use that type of thing as an advantage, and some just get consumed by it. If they draft Mayfield, I hope they have a very long interview with him and are very secure in their analysis of his character. That issue will make or break him.
  9. Nope, what I'm saying is pretty consistent. He's dumb. But you go on and continue flailing around trying to defend him until your shift ends and John can take over.
  10. I'd say the fact you think there is nothing to negotiate and no reason for a 21 year old kid to have sound advice in a situation very few people ever find themselves in shows a lack of understanding on your part. If it was that easy, why aren't dozens of others doing the same thing every year? I'm gonna put my money on "the guy who scored a 13 isn't smarter than everyone else". I guess time will tell.
  11. Or just have him shot in the back of the head and pay the press to call it a 'botched robbery'.
  12. That's because it's really simple to understand. Having his mom be his agent demonstrates that he lacks confidence and the ability to make sound judgments. His mom is as qualified to be his agent as she is to perform his root canal.
  13. A guy who still has to ask him mom what to do is not a guy I want fronting my billion dollar organization.
  14. Admittedly you weren't a full throated fan of Comrade Hugo like chicot was, but you were a little slow on the critique when he abolished their democracy! p.s. to gator -- Thanks for showing up and reminding everyone what a !@#$ing idiot you are!
  15. Wish I could be there! And wish they were still playing at Shea! Have a friend who's a die-hard Mets fan and his b-day was today so he was able to participate in all of it.
  16. The Bad News Bears, hands down. The Natural, Field of Dreams and Bull Durham in the top 5.
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