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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Do yourself a favor and track it down for a viewing.
  2. It's still unlikely, but given how he's played this year, can't say it's not possible.
  3. The later the game went the more it sounded like a Mets crowd....love that. Sorry about your FIL. RIP.
  4. This team looks like they have some balls to stick with a game like that. Nats had about ten chances to close them out. Great job by Lugo and Rhame. Go Mets!
  5. I think there are more inane, pointless threads started in April than in the other 11 months combined. It makes waiting for the draft worse than waiting for Christmas as a kid.
  6. So you'd feel better if a minor league team was selling fewer tickets? Don't really see the harm here, he's doing what he wants and he's apparently good enough to warrant his position on the team. I never understood why people got so worked up about Tebow.
  7. I don't see what 'not getting paid' has to do with anything. They should only be paid if they are required to do something. This was a job interview. This is why you hire an agent and the agent advises you to take out a large insurance policy to cover you before you are drafted.
  8. Yup; people resented him because he dethroned Palmer, the most popular golfer ever.
  9. Love that movie....hilarious at every turn. I need to watch it again.
  10. Good job.....but he's still a douchey little prick.
  11. Absolutely.....I mean, assuming I had armed guards on the other side of the door and a panic button. btw...she reminds me of someone famous but can't put my finger on it.
  12. Tootsie Used Cars Spinal Tap
  13. As the Bills have demonstrated, No QB = No playoffs for the next 18 years.
  14. Unless you're a liberal and think marginal tax rates should approach 100% for high earners.
  15. Clearly a list written by someone in their mid-20s. Gilmore isn't even in the top 25 (high pick, good player, not worth huge money. What's so polarizing?), and Taylor is questionable for the top 5; in five years no one will be talking about 'oh what if we had kept Taylor'. If we're specifically excluding OJ for his post-career issues, the other obvious #1 is Ralph. Yup, that's a good one.
  16. Good. Hopefully anyone who shouts 'Dilly Dilly' gets punched in the face first.
  17. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the game ending just before midnight on the east coast on a Monday.
  18. 3 sure-fire HOFers in this class? Really?
  19. We have it....it's called the college football forum. I wonder how many reporters Nick Saban had sticking mics and cameras in his face, misrepresenting every word coming out of his mouth and endlessly speculating on his future to a national audience during his junior year.
  20. 1983, by a mile. Six first round QBs, with the consensus #1 guy -- Elway -- publicly stating he won't play for the team with the #1 pick, and George Steinbrenner offering him a pro baseball contract. Marino, who many had as the top guy a year earlier, tumbles down the boards because he had an 'off' year and there were drug rumors. And Kelly coming off a season ending injury.
  21. Certainly not, especially if he sorts out his driver. The rest of his game seems pretty sharp. Would be great to have him in the mix on the weekend.
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