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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Yes, but fortunately he does such a good job insulting them via twitter before they even meet, that few can stomach even speaking to him, much less issuing compliments!
  2. No one who stayed in school past fourth grade or has an IQ over 60 has an honest religious objection to homosexuality. That is one of the biggest lines of b.s. out there.
  3. He looks just like my friend Tom Lee, but angrier.
  4. Big liberal Andrea Mitchell can't help invoking JFK. Ah yes Andrea, that's what Joe Biden represents after 40 years in Washington. A youthful energy and lots of new ideas!!
  5. Gee, why is that concerning....it's just an "Outreach Effort".
  6. He certainly deserves credit for holding that team with so many egos together so long.
  7. Well, I was borned a coal miner's daughter In a cabin, on a hill in Butcher Holler We were poor but we had love That's the one thing that daddy made sure of He shoveled coal to make a poor man's dollar
  8. Ah yes....good call out. Lots of 78 year olds who have 40 years of film on them not stuttering suddenly develop a "stutter" right around the time they can no longer distinguish their wife from their sister.
  9. Good Lord. I'm calling 911 as a preventive measure. Vegas odds are in: >Biden mispronounces COMMA-LA and the same media that jumped all over Tucker Carlson ignores it: 3:1 >Biden outright lies or misrepresents how Obama/Biden ran opposed to gay marriage (twice) 4:1 >Biden declares that he's not white 7:1 >Biden wonders off camera at some point during the speech 9:1 >Over/under on number of shots Doc Brown consumes: 7.5 >Over/under on number of thoughts/sentences where Biden forgets what he's saying and just trails off or says "you know, the thing" or similar: 2 >Over/under on names of other people that he forgets: 2 >Over/under on number of times he says "y' know": 4.5
  10. Here's the draft record...every player who played 100+ games plus a few other notables. He didn't hit it out of the park every year, but overall a lot of big names on that list, especially in the early years.
  11. I'm not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work, there, Lou. 10k yard WR who had eight QBs in 10 years here. And for the most part, they all sucked.
  12. Wow....that's shocking, I didn't realize Biden was even older than Bill, who looks like a warmed over corpse at this point. What happened to women keeping you young? That is funny. Arrests would be nice, but I guess we'll just have to settle for reveling in Hillary's endless bitterness.
  13. I think most have come to realize he was a good leader of men, but a mediocre game day coach who succeeded by having superior talent in 90% of the games. From a coaching standpoint, he was totally over matched in those SBs as he went up against one all-time great after another. That is a terrible hot take. I don't think he ever had a snowballs chance in hell of succeeding in the NFL. He was just not that good even in college. I recall a couple FSU guys here at the time warning he was garbage.
  14. Wow...good for him for not ignoring the symptom. The older you get the more you need to pay attention to your body.
  15. Come to CA, nice and warm and no hurricanes!! Just a few hundred wildfires each fall....
  16. He really will have no one else to blame if he loses. Couldn't have gift wrapped an election any more than this one given Early Onset Joe and backlash from the BLM riots. All he needs to do is the usual political lip service BS around COVID and STFU about everything else. But that's who he is....and part of why he beat Crooked Hillary. He just can't help himself.
  17. Have we reached the part of this month's 'OMG, Backup QB!!!' thread where people keep bringing up the Eagles from 3 years ago while ignoring that 99% of the time teams go no where if their starter gets hurt?
  18. I imagine most of us of a certain age have used ever slur in the book at one point. Not really done out of malice for most IMO, it just wasn't seen the same the way 30-40 years ago like it is now. Calling someone a '*****' was a garden variety insult when we were kids. I think we used that one before we even really knew what it meant. But it is different now and the culture has changed dramatically, so hard to imagine people still using words like that, and at work no less! I'm sure if you work at the plant or the factory, there is still plenty of inappropriate language used, but a broadcaster? Yikes.
  19. Sure. I"d be pretty damn heartfelt too if I had just *****-canned my entire career over a stupid and unnecessary remark. Too bad, I always thought he was a solid announcer.
  20. ^ We just need to 'flatten the curve' and then everything will be ok.
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