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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Good If they miss the top 4, the last thing I want is a panic pick of this guy.
  2. And most certainly any supposed QB who needs to rely on "makes plays with his legs".
  3. Never heard of her, but if she's guilty I hope she dies soon and in a very unpleasant manner.
  4. With credentials like that, I think we can give her a break and assume she's just an honest, hard-working mom.
  5. She tried, but the media was too busy fawning over every move Obama made. 'Obama Consoling George W. Bush Has New Poignance' ''President Obama's grace on full display at Barbara Bush's funeral' 'Obama shows enormous dignity while picking his nose at the memorial' "Obama Makes Melania Trump Smile At Barbara Bush’s Funeral" Sadly, I only made up one of those.
  6. Awesome!! So can I assume since every American will have a job, Bernie has proposed dismantling the welfare system?
  7. Yes, only this time it’s not for the 4th best WR in the draft. Or the 3d best defensive lineman at NC State. Or JP Losman. I’m surprised the phrase ‘trade up’ doesn’t make me break out in hives.
  8. His expertise is not in evaluating football talent, but in entertaining football fans. Look at the madness of this board every April. Kiper was part of creating that, and he now makes himself a part of that madness, and the business it creates.
  9. Yeppers. The ultimate self made man. People can hate him and the Kardashians all they want, but it's hard not to respect people who create something from nothing.
  10. Yup. The 'he left the field with a lead' arguement is among the worst recurring things posted on this board.
  11. Classic Belichick.....hopes to influence some dumb team ahead of them to pick him. Final push time for the Jackson die hards!
  12. Tapes of Mayfield talking about sexual conquests with Billy Bush?
  13. And yet people freak out when you trade a QB who could barely crack 3000! Same here; was my favorite Bill after OJ.
  14. I think the only time in my life I've been more shocked by an outcome of a contested event was the Giants beating the 18-0 Pats* I still can't believe the Dems couldn't figure out how to steal that one. Thank goodness for Jim Baker!
  15. To be fair, the same idiots also boo-hooed when ALGORE lost.
  16. I think they were posting in the want ads by the end of that series. 2003 Cubs v Red Sox All Curse World Series.
  17. If they have Trey Parker make the pick using Cartman's voice, I will seriously consider becoming a Broncos fan.
  18. EJ. The Bills traded the 8th pick, which was used to pick a big TSW pre-draft favorite: Tavon Austin. But it coulda been worse. If the Bills had done their usual 'draft a CB' routine they might have stolen Dee Milner from the Jets!
  19. Good Lord we've had some incompetent boobs making draft picks for this team. That one is almost unfathomable. "But he looked really good in college with Mario Williams and Manny Lawson playing next to him!"
  20. I'd be shocked if he didn't die soon. After 73 years, couples like that want to go out together. I suspect she would have laughed her ass off.
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