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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. If I'm the Giants, I'm disconnecting the phone and doing just that.
  2. No matter how annoying Mel Kiper, Jr is, he will forever be tolerated for his legendary "The Jets just don't understand what the draft is about" line.
  3. This just happened two minutes ago: My 7 year old daughter realized she left her tooth that fell out at the house of the lady who runs the after-school Spanish program. My wife instantly says "Daddy wil go right now and get it!". Uh....no sweetie.....I'm sure the tooth fairy will come anyway.
  4. Oh, is that tonight? Are there any QBs worth drafting?
  5. Yep.....sick, sad world. Just look at the people who protected Harvey Winstein for decades.
  6. Oh boy....yeah we sure get enough of him in the media. And I thought Bush Derangement Syndrome was bad!! He and Hillary can share bunk-beds, since they were best buddies for years and years back in NYC. Pretty sure you have the directions to PPP any time you want to dive into that mess!
  7. I'm offically no longer following the plot of this thread.....we're banning people for mentioning Bill Cosby? We're banning people for anything?? What, did Simon come back?? Happy draft day!
  8. If there's one commentator I don't need to hear from tonight, it's Rex.
  9. Boy, you're all fired up today about banning people who post things you don't like, huh?
  10. ....is completely indifferent to what is happening and will want to know why I'm not reading bedtime stories to my daughters wtih the Bills on the clock.
  11. April 26, 2018: the day the Bills finally found a QB.
  12. Obviously Rosen would be great. Waiting till 5 for him is playing with fire and I believe they will get burned.
  13. Does this mean we don't have to hear about Bill Cosby any more? Other than Hillary and OJ, I can't think of anyone who needs to go away from the news cycle forever more than Cosby.
  14. I never thought about it before, but kind of assumed it was a public stadium. But if they're going to let Russia billionaires buy Premiership teams, this shouldn't be too hard to swallow. Peronally, I can't wait for the London Jags. 6am kickoff baby!!
  15. A high end QB who plays his best in big spots and never gets hurt? Gee, who wants that?
  16. No matter who they draft, I'll be sold by seeing him on the field, not by any press conference.
  17. So....bring back 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy'? I've always wondered how many fewer Muslim terrorists there would be if those guys were able to get laid once in a while.
  18. Stay far away please. Let some other team fool themselves into thinking they got a bargin on damged goods.
  19. Just assume they’ll take Jackson and some guy with a chronic injury and you won’t be disappointed.
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