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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I am shocked the spotlight hasn't yet forced the NFL to abondon the practice given the current social environment. There will be no NFL cheerleaders in 5-10 years.
  2. So Russ saved us from having Trump own the Bills? Can you imagine the twitters on draft day??
  3. It's understandable how quickly you are losing patience.....they've been at it for a whole year and Bills haven't made the playoffs in the last 5 months. It's almost time to clean house again.
  4. Zay is going to be a pleasant surprise this year. Only fools would write him off at this stage of his career.
  5. I realize this is the far left wing "party line" -- especially as used to keep the black voters in line, but frankly I'm surprised you are regurgitating such ignorant nonsense. You have always seems more intelligent that that. Try this, Trump won because: 1. He ran against a hateful criminal whose entire personality drips with insincerity and distain toward anyone outsider her own social circle that is so obvious she may as well wear a sign around her neck that says "If you're not from the New York-Washington corridor or California, I consider you a worthless hick." Honestly, he ran against the worst and least likeable candidate in history. You can go down the list of losing Democratic Presidental candidates and every one would have wiped the floor with Trump. Gore - yes, Kerry - yes, Mondale - yes, Dukakis - well....he was pretty pathetic! 2. Because of #1, middle class voters were willing to listen to anyone who would talk to them. Also, swing voters like change, and they were kinda tired of the arrogant Democrat who had been on their TV news every night for the last 8 years. 3. People are tired of the left's PC bullsh-- and their campaign of intolerance, and not just white people.
  6. Just imagine how much of a fit this board would have pitched if it was around in 1983....."they drafted the guy with wrecked shoulder....he won't last 3 years! Marino was still on the board!!!"
  7. For some people, all they have is their crusade.
  8. Assuming they can find some servicable bodies to play the interior line, I can see 7-9.
  9. Nothing better than the 'convince me of something I refuse to be convinced of' threads! Try watching the Bills for the next 3 years and then ask.
  10. Sure, why not? As much faith as I had in the last guy and at a fraction of the price.
  11. Couple good Obama clips in here....these videos are always hilarious.
  12. Yup. The 'first and foremost' point is exactly right and explains why they took Allen over Rosen. And also got rid of Dareus, Watkins and the rest of the 'me' crowd. It might work, it might not, but it's nice to have some grown ups in charge who have an actual plan and are excuting it.
  13. lol....I'm the opposite. Usually wore one back in my 20s and 30s, even bought a nice Tag at one point. But now most of the time I can't be bothered.
  14. I recall they had Don Imus one year back in the 90s and he told a bunch of Slick Willy/Crooked Hillary jokes that put him on the Clinton hit-list for life. It was great.
  15. Has anyone ever worn #17 for the Bills, period? I'm guessing it's happened, but can't think of anyone. It's pretty virgin territory on the Bills.
  16. When people comment about how much us Irish guy like to drink, we respond by: a) posting twitters about how offended we are b) saying "hell yeah, whose round is it?" c) spending ten minutes in the crying closet So many special snowflakes out there.....
  17. You would think the nightly circle jerk on the alphbet soup netwoks would be enough, do they really need a night to honor themselves for either a) sucking dick or b) taking cheap shots at politicians depending on their party affiliation? I can imagine a time where this event was genuinely funny, but that time was clearly not in this century.
  18. Maybe it’s my slight hangover, but what’s that supposed to mean?
  19. Went to my first NBA game in 20 years tonight. Fun crowd, nice suite, free hat, but as with most Warriors games was a blowout by halftime. Can’t imagine paying top dollar for that.
  20. So who drafted him? Or is he still waiting? I liked him at ND but didn't love him.
  21. Agreed on both counts. Any 40ish gal who puts them out on display like AJ's mom is going to be plenty of fun.
  22. Bit of a lack of judgement to start banging a 17 year old in the first place, but how !@#$ing stupid is this girl to complain when he doesn't take the break up well? What did she think was going to happen? That said, yes.
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