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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I've always assumed there's some handshake on a post-retirement 'good will ambassador' job for life that will make up for the amount they cheated on the cap.
  2. When I become Emperor, people who improperly use the term "horrified" will be subjected to horrific punishment.
  3. All good, there was a little piling on there! And yes, I'd happily watch, though I can't see this story being more than the 10 minutes 'short' version of the 30 for 30s.
  4. For the record, here in 2018 I'm also fairly blase about the 51-3 game and men landing on the moon.
  5. And the rest of the world isn't still talking about it five months later.
  6. Nice! I grilled some ribeyes last weekend that we served over a bluecheese salad; such a good favor combination.
  7. Some of the idiots here already want that. They still miss the glory years of Tyrod, Sammy and Dareus.
  8. Any chance you can dig up the Slate article from the week unemployment hit 5% under Obama? Best performance since GHWB created the economic boom and balanced budgets of the '90s, huh?
  9. I've been in that situation; new CEO wanted all her own people, but since they were all new and didn't know how the company operated, I had leverage to negotiate a nice long term exit. Par for the course when regime change happens.
  10. It's almost always 3 people yamming away about nothing, because you can play that 24x7 and that's a lot cheaper than paying 3 people to build relationships and write intelligent pieces that take days or weeks to develop. Once the mass media realized more profit could be made by pandering to the lowest common denominator (aka 'idiots'), they signed the death certificate for real journalism. ESPN and NFL Network are just following the example from CNN, FoxNews and MSNBC. You might as well watch the Real Housewives -- at least they're wearing low-cut tops.
  11. I had a very long week of work. Cranking till midnight twice, a bunch of key deliverables that got delivered. Ready to get the kids in bed and break open a bottle of scotch.
  12. Not to mention her $2B crime organization has the resources to buy loyalty.
  13. Well, duh! She was at least four people removed from whoever was paid to murder Seth Rich. No one ever accused Hillary of being stupid.
  14. I've seen quite a few here too. But it's easy to play fast and loose with the 'racism' label these days.
  15. So he'll either get to keep his job or get a fat buy out. Unreal. And I strongly suspect the "state law" is a direct result of NJ state govt's history of collusion with public labor unions. Why else would there be a law that protect this particular job, (regardless of whether it falls under the contract or not)? If he did have a personal services contract, it would be almost criminally neglent to allow him to embarras the district to such a degree without allowing for termination. Never ceases to amaze me how people think nothing of this type of corruption/collusion that impacts untold billions of tax dollars.
  16. So would that make Hillary our country's biggest organized crime boss? The New York crime families all put together don't have a fraction of that kind of money.
  17. Oh, wait....you're still clinging to that one for real, aren't you? That makes it even funnier! Facebook told me who to vote for!!!
  18. My ex and I did the helicopter tour in ‘94. Very cool, right on top of the crater, flow, where the road ended in 10’ of hardened lava, etc. p.s. I’m a little disappointed GBID hasn’t posted a pic of a Hawaiian girl erupting out of her bikini top.
  19. Pegulas owning Bills for life and 4 years of Trump >>>> Trump owning Bills and Hillary as POTUS for 5 minuets!
  20. TIL there is a little arrow next to the gas gauge on some(most? all?) cars that points to the side with the gas tank. Who knew?
  21. I assume it would be ten yards from the forward guys on the kicking team, which would require a much more difficult kick
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