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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Colts will probably be picking #1 next year if he's not back, so figure they're covered either way.
  2. Yep. The only standard left in journalism is being first to "break the story".
  3. I was under the impression Bryant was firmly in the desperation stage at this point. He's always been difficult and will become even moreso as he increasingly realizes he's no longer an elite talent.
  4. Eh....I can deal with that as long as they're naked. Besides, at least half of them don't really give a **** and just vote liberal because their friends do or the media tells them to.
  5. Will be hilarious to watch the backtrack from all these uber-liberal idiots next time a Republican candidate wins the popular vote.
  6. Of course gatortard reads the Daily Beast! They were on the floor beneath mine in the IAC buillding. It was quite a collection of 20-something idiots who had never stepped out of the bubble. Or the worst system of organized corruption not in the Presidency since the last time a Clinton ran for office, huh? I guess we can expect Trump's resignation any day now.
  7. No, yuck. Thumbs up on the prof tho....for the dispute and the Would Ya?
  8. Sorry for your loss. Lucky bastard.
  9. I think the fact he's 5'10", not especially fast, has two strikes on the drug stuff and did little in his first 3 years with the Rams will be bigger hurdles for him to overcome. But nice story; seems like regardless of football he's put his life back together. Good for him.
  10. OJ of course. Joe Cribbs and Thurmal also in the money.
  11. It doesn't matter what he was protesting against. You say that like everyone should just genuflect at his 'cause' and pretend the NFL isn't a business that was harmed by the unwanted attention he willfully brought them. If you harm your employer's reputation, you are probably going to lose your job unless they stand to gain more by keeping you employed.
  12. Exactly. Of course he's being blackballed, he's not worth the distraction. If he was Aaron Rodgers he'd be worth it. He's Collin Kaepernick so he's not. Same reason Adrian Peterson kept his career and Ray Rice didn't. But that's were this charge of his "rights" being violated is so ridiculous. He doesn't have the right to embarass his employer and keep his job any more than you or I do. If I post a video execrating the sins of big agriculture companies there's a real good chance I'll get cut by the one who employees me and none of the others will offer me a job. But somehow Kaepernick is different because he has a bunch of media whiners in his corner?? Gimmie a !@#$ing break.
  13. Woe is the obscure GOP rep who happens to win by a few hundred votes. They will decend on him with the most hateful array of accusations he's ever seen.
  14. After they let that murderer with the fake spring legs run in the Olympics, I'd say anything possible.
  15. I worked with a girl who called a customer a dick while she was hanging up the phone, but she mistimed her remark and the act of hanging up so he clearly heard it....he called back and asked to speak to the head of sales. She wasn't fired but it was a funny episode.
  16. How has anyone infringed on his right to protest? Has he been imprisoned? Any other citizen doesn't have the right to expect their employer to faciliiate their acts of protest, at the employer's place of business, while the employee is on the clock. His protests don't bother me either, but people who don't understand what he "rights" are (or should be) certainly do.
  17. But the difference........is the wife beaters, rapists, etc. on the left (like the POS topic of this thread) are very often the ones puffing up their chests and making career gains out of being 'champions' for women, while slandering their political opponents with accusations of their own transgressions. There are terrible low-lives on all side of the political asile, but there is no question the hypocrisy leans very heavily to the left.
  18. I have a right to play in the NFL? Awesome! When do I get my first paycheck?
  19. Inefficient for you does not equal inefficient for them. Pretty sure that company has the logistics thing down cold. p.s. next time pony up for 3 day shipping!
  20. It better, because otherwise I feel completely cheated out of the joy of watching him twist in the wind, praying for a miracle (or the MSM) to come to his rescue.
  21. Awesome. Watching blowhard liberals go down in disgrace is better than seeing the Pats lose.
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