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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Or a 12 year old. Or just the typical hysterical overreaction.
  2. It would be a lot easier to come up with a list of hits.
  3. Sounds to me like Mock is ".....harming teachers and firefighters!!" We've chosen the other route. Live in a town where you pay about six times the national average price for a house and the schools are usually pretty good. But we'll see what happens when middle school starts.
  4. Great player. Too bad he couldn't help himself from being such a douchebag or his career wouldn't have ended so quickly.
  5. Usually on these issues, I find it easier to simply oppose the people who are using the most extreme rhetoric to defend their position.
  6. Topless beaches and herb, what's not to love?
  7. The original was kinda funny, but certainly a movie you only needed to watch once.
  8. Nope, it was Phil Simms' foot. If Simms doesn't hurt his foot in December against the Bills, he's playing QB and no way does he hold onto that ball.
  9. I'll always remember him beating the Pats* in the Super Bowl. Twice. Go Eli!
  10. Luck. But don't feel guilty, after 17 years it was their turn. They got the right bounces They got the right calls They got a miracle TD from the Bengals They got a log-jam of teams at 9-7 and the right tie-breakers
  11. It's time to man up and get back on the horse. Find a widows/widowers group and ask one of the ladies if she'd like to get a cup of coffee. You need to start by cultivating some companionship. You need to start engaging in life again. Humans aren't designed to live alone. Don't be a kitty -- put the booze down and just !@#$ing do it.
  12. Where's the option for zero stars? Or negative 3?
  13. Hell yes....well, I mean, not any more. ☹️ My Spidy-sense tells me there's a jilted ex-fiancee who's going to be arrested very soon....
  14. Nothing like a loving, supportive spouse to back you up! Lucas might just have to shiv that b--ch.
  15. Wow, surprised I'm the only person to put in a vote for #20. Cribbs, James and Jones make a heck of a trio, with Henry and Donte on the side.
  16. But you might be both. What better cover for a serial killer than to move across country and kill a bunch of people in a completely new way?
  17. If I did one of those stupid Facebook 'Ten books' things, Bonfire of the Vanities would certainly be on that list. It had a significant impact on my view of the world. RIP
  18. The Bills won 9 games last year and drafted a rookie QB The Browns won 0 games last year and drafted a rookie QB. Yeah, clearly the Browns are the superior team.
  19. Gotta punish those employers: https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/seattle-approves-head-tax-on-large-businesses-despite-amazons-opposition
  20. Somehow I think the parents did a sub-par job if this is where they ended up.
  21. I don't know what context he uses the word in, but the concept of faith is hardly exclusive to devout Christians, or even religion. I certainly hope he's only interested in players who have faith in his execution of the team's long term plan.
  22. Trading multiple high picks for the fifth best WR in the draft.
  23. Where was this when my wife lived at 59th and 9th! ?
  24. I just assume they’re all molson gatortard when the topic is this stupid. oh look, he posted as Tibs to throw everyone off the scent!
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