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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I love this guy; smart, aggressive, athletic. He might not be an all-pro, but I'll be surprised if he's not a solid player.
  2. This board would be like a Thanksgiving dinner with your sleeziest uncle if not for their heroic work!
  3. Right? She was one of the worst from those Young Comedian years. I never thought she funny or understood the popularity of her show.....but I still think it’s ridiculous to cancel a TV show over a Twitter. But as someone said earlier, you live by the big yap, you die by the big yap. Unless you’re Trump and get elected President.
  4. I assume most my age hated the Bruins long before any other Bahston team.
  5. I was a kid during the Holmes reign so the Cooney fight was one of the big event of that era, even if he was oversold and the fight didn't quite live up to the hype. The rest of the '80s was incredible with the middle/welter/light weight classes, especially with so many fights being on live TV. I do remember watching the Mancini/Kim fight live.
  6. Good riddance. Now, when the inventor of the Shaved box or Brazilian box dies, it'll be cause for mourning.
  7. No, that's like saying people need to have a thicker skin and anyone reporting posts on a daily basis should not be taken seriously. No one who's been here for more than a cup of coffee has ever suggested either of the options you present. We've had plenty of mods over the years who managed to walk the line between enforcement and restraint pretty effectively. We're also had some who struggle with that balance.
  8. There are grown men who do this?? Anyone who reports posts every day (or ever) needs to have a 'whiny B word' icon attached to their profile.
  9. Another victory for tolerance and open minds!
  10. Yeah, I did. And obviously was commening on a different portion of your post, as indicated by the boldface. But thanks for your reply.
  11. What I continue to find odd is how many people seem to begrudge the owners having this mindset.
  12. Yup. The one moment last year where I literally came out of my chair.
  13. I forgot about that one. In additional to my Atari 2600 choices above, I did have a Super NES w/ -Mario World -Legend of Zelda -EA NHL '94 -Madden '94 Those were all great.
  14. A stand-alone Tatooine Cantina movie might be worth seeing.
  15. Good grief. The only not-terrible things about that movie were Kurt Russell and Godie Hawn. Perfect choice for a remake with a C-list cast!
  16. Amen to that! T-ts + Gambling >>>>>>>>>>>>>> politicians and statues of dead guys
  17. I pass them every morning on the ferry.....occassionally the the not-so-bad ones will be out in the yard.
  18. Combat Astroids Pitfall Defender Space Invaders Warlords Adventure Superman
  19. Oh, in that case just put him on the 53 man roster regardless of what he does in camp!
  20. They made a great play. Bills wouldn't convert that long pass in the snow against Indy again in a milion years either, but you can't take away that they did it the one time it mattered. Now if you want to talk about Franco Harris and the Imaculate Reception, I'll agree that was dumb luck.
  21. I think the term was invented for that play.
  22. +1. In the absence of Jones making his full medical profile public, we should certainly assume the worst.
  23. I don't agree with that. Pass protection, Manning's escape, and Tyree securing the ball were all terrific efforts that made the play.
  24. The premise is absurd as there's no such thing. Everyone plays 16 games and the top 12 get in, simple as that. There are probably a hundred plays for every team during the season that dictate a win or loss. To isolate one play from one team as the 'luck' for the results of a full season is idiotic.
  25. The minivan will be packed! I caught them buzzing the SF skyline two years ago right after I moved here. Scared the sh-- out of me on the first pass, 9/11 flashbacks!
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