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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Hmmm.....it seems to have dipped a bit lately. David Putnam also apparently bought high on Vernon David and Mohamed Sanu. https://stocktwits.com/symbol/EJMLL But smartest move EJ ever made.
  2. If he is, he'll be 30 and always seems to have foot issues (though unlike some 'stars' almost always plays through it). He's exactly the kind of guy they should not break the bank to sign.
  3. Still better than every Pats* playoff loss combined.
  4. It's so nice to have a real diplomat in the WH after 8 years of antogonism with NK!
  5. Pretty sure the players are free to protest all they want so long as they're not at work while they do it. So it works like it would with any other employer. Of course, the players are always free to seek other employment if the social policies of their employer are that important to them.
  6. It likely did. They would have had the ball and the lead. The fact they made other mistakes afterwards doesn't discount the fact they lost 2 points on the reversal. The lesson, as always: instant reply is the worst thing to ever happen to sports. And it didn't matter if you thought it was a block or a charge. It was close enough where either would have been a reasonable call and looking at it in slow-mo didn't provide any better evidence of one vs the other. The fact is the refs made a call and there was no compelling reason to overturn it. That they randomly pick one play to reverse but ignore other close calls (Durant getting foul calls on what appeared to be clean strips twice late in the game) is about as far away from "getting it right" as you can be. It's a shame this mindless pursuit of micro-managing the game had to mar what was otherwise a fantastic game.
  7. I had no idea! Thank goodness for quality journalism that keeps us informed!
  8. Was it Peters who didn’t even attempt to block the end on that play?
  9. RIP We had the first Pong home game a few years before the amazing 2600 VCS.
  10. I never thought I'd feel sorry for Lebron James, but it has to be tough to be that good, play that well, get screwed by the refs multiple times late in the game, and then have your moron teammate forget the score and toss away your chance at a win. Underdogs can't blow games in the finals.
  11. My office is right next to the Four Seasons -- huge crowd outside a little while ago waiting for Lebron. Even in enemy country he is the big draw.
  12. Gotta pony up for the real thing. Mustard can be several brands depending on the need: spicy brown, dijon, yellow, etc.
  13. My wife threatened divorce the one time I bought store brand foil!
  14. Cool. Loved the guy as a player, sounds like he's transitioned into a smart executive. Bills continue to make solid moves.
  15. Don't they penalize for flopping in hockey now? Seems to be an approach that makes sense.
  16. This is the classic "oh, well!" response the far left loves to see from it's casual supporters, to be followed by the unspoken "but we can't do anything differently because RAAAYYSIS!!!!"
  17. Exactly. Where does he find these laughable buffoons?
  18. So last week I drove to work and while walking the few blocks from the garage to my office I came across this big crowd of young people on the sidewalk....a line down the block and around the corner. Cops actually had them in holding pens. Hundreds of them, each with a vapid, trashy look on their faces. I couldn't imagine what this lame collection was doing there at 8am, so asked a security guy who was standing there and he repied "some Kardashian thing". Well it turns out one of the other sisters was opening up a little Stupid, Spoiled Whore make-up shop and apparently that was the grand opening with a personal Kardashian appearance. Left work about 6pm that day.....still a handful standing in the pens waiting for their turn. I'm guessing the star of the show was back at the Hilton by then. My point being, I'd be suprised if half that crowd could name the person Trump beat in 2016. I don't think they are ginning up the "Resist" outrage at the level the angry left wingers are hoping for out of most of America's younger generation.
  19. He can be a douchebag, but that's only because he's usually running circles around some ignorant leftist who can't defend their rhetoric.
  20. Maybe she’ll demonstrate for him how strip searches work in prison.
  21. Yup...only when it came time to use the real power of the EC and install the crooked insider, they went with the nut who won the election! ?
  22. Agreed. Getting rid of literacy tests for voters was the biggest mistake ever.
  23. I’m guessing there won’t be many deplorables who suddenly see the light thanks to ABC! As for the idea behind it, that’s easy. Allows ABC execs to bask in the ‘Resist’ glory at coastal elite cocktail parties for a couple weeks.
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