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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Grandstanding so ridiculous it could only be matched by Trump himself!
  2. Ahhh....more WWE NBA fodder to keep the talking heads going as they gear up for the offseason.
  3. Yes he does....but when was the last time he pointed that out? It used to be in every third column years ago.
  4. Maybe overtly, but he quickly morphed into a PC-snowflake as soon as he got famous. I'm guessing he's no longer advocating for having all women's sports scores shown in pink so they can be readily ignored?
  5. Hardly. The current administration is the result of a backlash against the corrupt politics-as-usual which was perfectly embodied by the losing candidate. I agree with the OP. The main difference from a generation again is media turning sports into a 24x7 'news' circus. Sports is much more enjoyable if you never turn on ESPN.
  6. The NBA is half way to being pro wrestling at this point.
  7. Let the hate flow through you..... Obama fixed the economy.
  8. Sucks the flippin' Caps are going to win the Cup.
  9. lol.....no but it will print a 1 7/8" x 2" picture on an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet! At least that's how I've figured it out in the past. Nothing worse than burning through $10 worth of toner by accidentally printing a full size color picture.
  10. Adjust printer settings paper size to the size pic you want.
  11. That's fantastic. That's the one thing everyone has in common.....someone else will get to have the last word on each of us.
  12. It's amazing living here in the capital of left-wingism.....somehow everyone gets a whole lot more conservative the moment you start talking about class sizes and resources for art and music in the elementary schools.
  13. I know this comes as a surprise to dupes like you, but the daily diatribes on Huffpoo and Vox don’t actually count as “news”.
  14. Bobby Kennedy for President -- short documentary series about RFK is worth a look.
  15. No surprise. This is the same gutless turd who ran crying from this board after people told him he was full of sh--. Now desperately trying to make himself relevant in a commoditized market of sports reporting.
  16. Certainly not yet but still has potential so 'wait and see' is a reasonable option. Career milestones like 10k rushing yards can no longer be viewed the way they were a generation ago.
  17. Heck, all of us who are married have done that.
  18. 7-2 is a "narrow win" according to yahoo: https://www.yahoo.com/news/supreme-court-hands-narrow-win-baker-over-gay-142233685.html?soc_trk=gcm&soc_src=844b7296-50a4-11e5-8d53-fa163e2c24a6&.tsrc=notification-brknews
  19. Well if the venerable Mike Clay is writing it, we really ought to pay attention.
  20. First reports of this incident were that the guy who a hero, saved lives, etc.
  21. I'm still mad at him for that year he fell off the cliff after I drafted him in the first round. Not a deep-seeded, Francisco Liriano-level hate, but I'm still a little bitter.
  22. Hard to tell for sure from that angle, but she sure looks like a 'yes' to me!
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