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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. “weaponized” classical music. lol At this point, you could create a few Mad-libs templates and cover 98% of the leftist media.
  2. Columbia? Did the drug lords get back into the soccer business?
  3. I would think not. As a writer, didn’t he use Twitter as a platform the same way he used the newspaper, as a forum to express his views on topics (sports) he was being paid to cover? As such, I don’t understand the argument that one is supposed to ‘separate’ them. It sounds like a weak excuse for his boorish behavior that apparently cost him his job. Very few jobs out there are willing to overlook you being an outright a-hole because you’re good at your job.
  4. I remember when people here scoffed at those who wanted to 'waste a pick' on a guard when David Decastro was drafted. Ask Leveon Bell how that draft pick worked out.
  5. The last great newsman. I still miss Meet the Press. RIP
  6. My #1 pet peeve around dining. When I'm filithy rich, the staff will be instructed to know the exact moment my plate is to be removed from my sight. Other than quality of the food, the staff's attitude is by far the most important factor in whether or not a dining experience was enjoyable and memorable.
  7. I may cash in some of my EJ Manuel shares and jump on this Funko thing.
  8. Come on now, be fair. She paid good money for that nomination!
  9. I brought the kids to a local minor league game a couple weeks ago; about 300 people in the crowd. A couple buddies where there with their kids so enjoyed a beer, watched a little of the game and had no problem leaving when the kids got restless by the sixth inning. Total cost = $60 and home in less than 20 minutes. Compare that to the all day odyssey and half a mortgage payment to take them to AT&T in the city for a Giants game and there is no comparison. Yes, it's fun to go to the big league game, but it's really not worth the cost and hassle, at least for a regular season game.
  10. I was always afraid I was going to see him get decapitated during a game.
  11. Net neutrality apocalypse has begun.
  12. See, most of those are legitimate reasons to be upset, at least from a fan perspective. I was thinking more of the annual ‘national media picked us to go 4-12 again without even mentioning some second rate FA signing!’ or ‘someone made fun of Buffalo’s weather but they don’t understand it’s usually very nice here!’ , or the always popular ‘no one pays attention to the ONLY TEAM in NYS!!’
  13. Ditto. Now if he had wished Hillary dead, I'd be all for it.
  14. I'm thinking Washington Post: "Trump Disrupts Decades of Stability on Korean Peninsula" after announcement of full disarmament and reunification of Korea.
  15. Grossly overrated yet a small population clings to the belief it was really good — nice analogy!
  16. If he was such a steal, wouldn't Saban have clued in his buddy Belichick about it?
  17. Sorry, it hasn’t impacted my neighborhood yet so much easier to just look down my nose and declare you raysis.
  18. I wish someone would do a Top 10 list of the most ridiculous things that upset Bills fans.
  19. Didn’t they lose to the Chargers the week after the Jets win? And speaking of that Jets game, how about Bill Simpson’s pick to snuff out the Jets comeback as a candidate for most clutch play? But I also remember the SI prediction. They had Bills beating Atlanta in the SB if I remember correctly.
  20. Whatta you lookin at, butt-head? https://nyp.st/2JlDNMy
  21. Then the owner has a lease that gives him exclusive use of the facility during the game. No one has the right to demand a Columbus Day parade on the sideline either. That's argument doesn't hold water. What about the thousands of guys who were good enough to go to training camp? The incremental difference between the 53d guy on a roster and any of them is tiny. So black guys being shot by cops is not as much of a problem if someone is paying Kapernick millions of dollars? He's a real modern day Ali. Once again, Kaepernick is free to protest all he likes, but his employer is fully within their rights to limit what happens on company time and on company property. And no, the fact that one can play football does not mean he should be guaranteed a paying job doing so any more than an accountant should be guaranteed a job with the Big 4 firms just because he used to work at one of them.
  22. I guess he realized being a social agitator isn't as much fun if you don't have someone else funding you with millions of dollars.
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