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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Me too. He’s easy to like. His wife though....what a bi+ch!
  2. I had to go in that day. I was one of the spotters for the guys shooting missiles form the Woolworth Building.
  3. '86 Mets had four benchclearing brawls, yet another reason they were the greatest team to root for of all time.
  4. No way....how come no one told me this thread had moved into 9-11 Truther territory! Remember when a missle also hit WTC #1.....at least until those French guys made their video public.
  5. There's a name I could have lived with never hearing again.
  6. He played better last year than Watkins did and both players were in the last year of their contract. Once they decided they were never going to break the bank for Watkins, it was a smart move to get as much as possible for him.
  7. It's ok to admit it: Buffalo 66 sucked ass. Gallo is a LAMP director.
  8. Flats - tastier meat if cooked right.
  9. LOL. They got a 2nd round pick -- not a mention a better player -- for the one year he had left on his contract.
  10. The version where they edit out every Sharon Stone scene is the best. Sure hope I get to see it one day. I defy someone to name a movie more thoroughly ruined by a woman.
  11. I was happy Andre Reed got that PF at the end of the half in SBXXVI because I had the numbers for a $500 payout and didn't want the Bills to score.
  12. Sounds like what people were saying after the first few weeks of NFL replay. Now it's a gigantic cluster!@#$.
  13. Was always overrated. And really, do any of his songs still hold up? When was the last time you thought, "boy I'd really like to hear 'Jungle Love' or 'Abracadabra'"?
  14. I've always thought that too living in New England my whole life, but gotta tell ya, the last two winters here where it never got below 40 was pretty nice! I'd be totally fine with winter cold and snow if it ended the day after the Super Bowl. After that, it's just two months of misery in most of the country.
  15. That season last nine months in N California.
  16. Did I miss a big market crash or something? If you lost $64k than presumably you have a portfolio sizeable enough to handle some fluctuation.
  17. I know...it's just so frustrating that they haven't been about to put together a sustained run after 2015 and then, oh look, the Braves and Phillies have re-tooled! Arrgh.
  18. At least the Bills and Sabres never tease us with the promise they might be really good. !@#$ing Mets drive me nuts.
  19. Did the Knicks draft some European guy no one ever heard of before?
  20. Have the Warriors signed LeBron yet?
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