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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I did when I was a lifeguard 30 years ago. But I heard the whole 15-2 thing is now out of date.
  2. I only watch soccer for two weeks every four years, but seems to me it's primarily the casual fans complaining about a surprising outcome. But maybe I'm out of touch. I'm old enough to remember the days when people liked upsets and thought they made for a more interesting tournament.
  3. No sh--. Would have been real interesting to see how that team came out the following year if they had a shot at a 3-peat. Moron coaches outsmarting themselves killed that team.
  4. They're going to be so shocked when it becomes evident that 90% of the country has completely ignored the non-stop hysteria they've generated over the past 20 months.
  5. Anyone watch ‘Trump’? 1st episode was a good recap of the early days in NYC.
  6. He might be able to help the current Mets lineup.
  7. Wow....can't really root for Russia but that was some upset.
  8. This thread continues to be gold on all fronts.
  9. I once scored four touchdowns in a game against Polk High
  10. Condoms are recommended for all ‘Would Ya’ threads.
  11. Seriously, I woke up for the second half and that was quite a treat. Can't believe Argentina had a final shot to tie the game. Glad they are done.
  12. They'll all rejoice and sing about diversity and glass ceilings if Trump nominates a woman, right?
  13. He always wanted to be a bankster....
  14. Or just being picked when it's ripe, which is why farmers markets are the place to get produce. The difference between a strawberry or peach that was properly ripened on the vine verses what you generally get in the supermarket is huge. But we do buy organic milk and certain other things to avoid the hormones, chemicals, etc. in the kids.
  15. Well yeah, but it starting snowing really hard as we were leaving Tahoe in February. Had to pull over for extra windshield fluid to make it all the way back. Skiing was awesome though.
  16. My first was Atari VCS, but Super NES was my first (and only) modern system. Madden, NHL '94 and Super Mario World were all great.
  17. How dare you Bernie types didn't just bend over and take it when Hillary rigged the primary!!!
  18. The Facebook hysteria is going to be epic. "What if we all meet in Washington and block Senators from entering the Capitol and thus denying them the ability to vote on the next Trump nominee!!"
  19. Maybe a marketplace here at TSW. We can bet meadcoin. Post your theories.....
  20. No....I'm guessing his brother killed the guy in Jenkins' house, ran to the airport with intention to fly to FL to ask Jenkins what he should do next, and then freaked out (mostly because he realized he's probably going to prison for life) and bailed on the flight.
  21. That was Basic Instinct. She's fine when she's not screaming every line. Or when she's showing her kitty.
  22. I think you’ve been hitting the ‘pipe dream’ a little too much.
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