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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Ruskies go stay home. Probably would have rather had England face Russia, but thanks for extending Croatia to the max.
  2. They looked really good....don't expect much work will get done in England on Wednesday.
  3. Sterling is like Sammy Watkins. You keep waiting for the great moment.....and keep waiting....
  4. An England-France final would be fantastic.
  5. But it’s not specific teams. 3 guys can decide to join up and turn a doormat into a champion overnight. Of course, they are far more likely to do that in major media/cultural areas where endorsements and lifestyles are maximized.
  6. Hahaha....that’s awesome. Go Lions!
  7. Not much question about that. The inmates run the asylum at the NBA but apparently that's how the masses like it so the owners are happy to let it continue while the money rolls in. NFL fans would go ballistic if the same two teams met in the SB four straight years. I think the NFL has found the best balance of what I'll call 'off season' competition in terms of draft, FA, salary cap rules. Only problem is they changed the on-field rules so much to favor the passing game, you have a league of have-QB or have not-QB. They need to fix that.
  8. Or the money I would give them on a per-game basis for those games I want and am available to watch.
  9. That was a great show. Good question, not sure it will have the same pull when kids are used to saying "Alexa, does Bigfoot exist?"
  10. Then she needs a twitter staffer who can construct a sentence correctly.
  11. I think the worst part is she thinks it was signed by 8 people.....who somehow were representing 13 colonies?? Math is hard.
  12. This truth continues to be ignored by those who think he 'deserves' to play in the NFL.
  13. Yup. Even if this guy's decision making and actions were misguided (which of course they were), it was a direct result of there not being any reasonable and compassionate options. Of course, there won't be any national discussion about the real issue, instead people will volley around what happens to this sad old man until we forget all about it tomorrow.
  14. And a hell of a save on the 4th PK by their goalie, who looked terrified at the start of the shootout. Colombia was playing some serious thugball. I never saw a game with that many yellow cards.
  15. I would have started buying MicroSoft and gone from there....the chicks would have followed in droves.
  16. Soros even got better value for his money from the Hillary campaign.
  17. +1 And there were a bunch of other great speeches....that movie was really enjoyable, especailly for me as I'm pretty sure it's the only movie my father and I watched together in a theatre ever. Need to carve out a good long evening to rewatch it one of these days.
  18. A "video gaming background"?? We used to call that "still living in mom's basement with no apparent future"
  19. I think that was pretty clear two Lebron James moves ago. But Durant going to GS announced it with a bullhorn.
  20. Even in high school, surrounded by the liberal Jesuits, I was never stupid enough to believe a thing that come out of the mouths of leftists.
  21. That might be the luckiest goal I've ever seen. But the winner was beautiful so kudos to Belgium. Need to root for them over Brazil.
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