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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. So Pepsi needs much better marketing in the south.
  2. It really is....you always have to let them marinate through the first 50 pages or so before you get to the choice cuts.
  3. How about "When have Tenants Rights laws gone too far?"
  4. If that happens, what kind of cap relief are the Bills looking at?
  5. Yup. I'm betting the meadcoin I won on Janoris Jenkins' brother on this just being a big shakedown attempt by a jilted woman and her dumb/trashy friends.
  6. I hesitate to even put her in this thread because I don't think she qualifies, but Beyonce. And her music sucks.
  7. How many pages was the Mario Williams thread?
  8. Except if that's what happened, it will take cops all of 30 seconds to get his buddies to cut a deal to say Shady paid them to beat her up, whether it's true or not.
  9. That's the stupidest thing written in this thread yet. Unbelievable.
  10. The OP makes it sound like this is the "Real Media Housewives of Buffalo".
  11. It's quite understandable given the pace, but I think you've missed some of the posts in this thread. Amazing how people's true feelings come out the moment there is a whiff of something that might not even be true.
  12. And if it turns out it's all b.s., every so-called Bills fan in this thread who is gleefully ready to shovel dirt on McCoy's grave will own up to it.
  13. Exactly. "Shutting off her utilities" is SJW speak for "he stopped paying her bills"
  14. Wow...the Shady haters are gonna be pissed if this is all bs, huh?
  15. I think you can still do fine as a craftsman....but like most other things you need to actually be good at your craft. And yes, like most other jobs you need to start at the bottom rung and work hard for crap pay for a while. Years ago that was kind of understood as the path forward in many professions, but today too many people are either a) too lazy to work hard or b) think they are above such "unfairness". The only place I've seen so far where you can walk in and demand your terms as an idiot right out of college, is software developers.
  16. I was most interested in politics in HS during Reagan and have become progressively less interested in it ever since.
  17. As a casual fan, I'd say it's because these guys are completely spent after 2 hours. It's not like hockey were you're cycling 3-4 shifts so guys are getting breaks; for the most part it's the same guys on the field the whole game.
  18. The screen on my iphone 6 stopped responding periodically a few months back ; I guess Apple figured I haven't made a recent enough contribution. Truth is I've never paid for one of my iphones, used to get it for free at my last job.
  19. I like this list; largely because (unlike most RB lists), it doesn't badly overrate Emmit Smith. Put him on the kind of sh--y teams OJ, Sayers and Payton played on most/all of their careers and he's barely on the list at all. Also wonder how much better Allen would have been if Al Davis wasn't a psycho who hated the best player on his team.
  20. WR who always has something to say talks up his QB in preseason. Details at 11. I wonder what Landry will say after the first few times he's open downfield and Taylor doesn't pull the trigger.
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