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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Or an inability to master fourth grade level English.
  2. He lives in CA, it’s a hate crime to not know that.
  3. That one is enjoyable, but I prefer the ‘Trump will never be President’ montage followed by Wolf announcing all the Trump states. In fact, I might watch it tonight, been a long week!
  4. It's not that people care what she says, it's that anyone (including Kathy Griffen types) are given a microphone and airtime if they follow the approved script. And doing that steals the spotlight from things that actually might be funny or interesting. And because following the script is mandated, even things that were once funny (eg., the Daily Show) turn into the same tired routine every night and become unwatchable. It's not the end of the world, we can watch the ballgame instead, but it's certainly marked a downturn in our culture and our entertainment options.
  5. Wait..wait....I thought I voted for Trump because Russian Facebook bots told me to.
  6. We used to go to N. Bethany. Really nice, close to town but well past the beach crowds.
  7. OC is pretty packed. We spent many summers on Bethany Beach 10 miles up into DE. Rohobeth another 10 mins from there. Much nicer up there.
  8. When do they announce Trump's Nobel prize?
  9. When it comes to crazy, follow the advice of my friend O'Neil: hit it and quit it.
  10. As the torch and pitchfork crowd nervously await the news turning worse for McCoy....
  11. Absolutely not. btw, the Bills might sign Eddie Lacy. Apparently he's down to 280 pounds.
  12. He got a free pass to loaf for what, a year and a half that time?
  13. Or maybe just remember the 'due' part that seems to have been forgotten along the way.
  14. The fact that a property owner can't tell someone who is not under contractual lease to GTFO of their house (with some reasonable time period -- like 30 days) -- is absurd. Hopefully Trump's USSC will fix that.
  15. Good point. Don't want to stereotype white guys on horseback.
  16. Haven't heard much about the guy who actually beat her. No leads on him? If he was one of Shady's posse than presumably she'd have recognized him.
  17. Where was Janoris Jenkins' brother that night?
  18. But I'm guessing it would amp up pretty quickly over the next few days should England hang on today...
  19. I guess it was too much to hope we'd hit 100 within 24 hours.
  20. Don’t know if it’s been mentioned, but these are dumb, selfish, narcissistic people we’re talking about. That means there is a wide range of seedy characters who knew this girl had tapped into a goldmine. She probably posted pics all over the web of herself with the expensive ‘bling’. Maybe McCoy did arrange it, but I think it’s at least as likely someone just saw this as an easy score. Remember Sean Taylor? He died cause some local thugs knew he had bucks.
  21. [Please do not start new threads during the indictment of the team's best player for beating his girlfriend senseless. This is an automated message]
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