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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. But he's just so stupid and pointless....does he really get under anyone's skin?
  2. Are those the companies that make cotton boxers? !@#$in' retard.
  3. Stop right there....you don't dive into harbor water, period. Or any water unless you absolutely know for sure how deep it is.
  4. If only that dang David Tyree hadn't made that lucky helmet catch the Pats would have been undefeated!
  5. Don't worry; the spectacle of the left wing media is doing just fine in shaking up Trump supporters. Shook 'em all right to the polls in 2016 and will do so again in 2020.
  6. I'm still waiting for someone to explain what "hacked the election" means.
  7. They never did account for where he was after leaving his restaurant.....just sayin'.
  8. Oh, but it was all so easy back in those days. All you needed was a SoS who could shatter a glass ceiling and a reset button!
  9. Apparently Tyrod Taylor had a chance to put it back in its cage, but..... oh, never mind.
  10. You kids might not believe this, but there was a time when a President could get a Nobel Peace Prize for meeting with foreign leaders. Or for campaigning on the idea of meeting with foreign leaders. Or something kinda like that.
  11. That sucks. RIP. Never go beyond your limits in the water.
  12. That's fuggin' brilliant. I need to post the video: I'm CNN, your older brother, and I got stepped over!!!
  13. I'm sorry....McCoy hired a someone to cater his party who was required to fly in, and this caterer showed up for her gig at McCoy house with "thousands of dollars" worth of jewelry"?? Uhhhh.....smells like bull ****! But Shady doesn't do much to deter the gold digging groupies, does he?
  14. Is this really true? I follow soccer for exactly one month every four years, but I assumed there was significant national pride on the line for these guys. I thought it was much more serious than say Olympic hockey/basketball, but maybe that's just the fans?
  15. France gets a bunch of questionable calls in their favor.....and the one big one that goes Croatia's way gets overturned by replay. Congrats to the "get it right" crowd. That aside, France's counterattack is fantastic.
  16. We used to go to the pull-ups during that fourth year when not close to home base!
  17. Especially when she has some punk kid in tow. Smarten up Shady!
  18. But that's the entire issue. Obviously no one would take that bet if it was just one year because 50:1 would be terrible odds for these two teams. The question becomes more interesting if it's "$200 per year until a championship or until expiration after 10 (or 20) years" (or some other number that offers a chance they could someday win one). And of course the dude putting up $10k would need to deposit it in an escrow account.
  19. Those are more in the dumb category. They'll end up on the catch phrase trash heap along with 'Wazzup?'
  20. Tens of millions of people were ok with voting for a Presidential candidate who spent decades covering up abuse and sexual assault by her husband and campaign officials.
  21. I think Mock might have told a good ? story once upon a time.
  22. Any Tom Vu or ‘This is your brain on drugs’ commercial. Those were legendary.
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