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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Yeah, I don't have a ton of sympathy for guys complaining about not being able to potentially double-dip if they end up on another team. Offset should be standard in rookie deals.
  2. I could at least respect the Bernie supporters who refused to take the primary rigging lying down. Not so much the ones who simply said "oh well, I guess we'll go for Hillary now that she cheated us out of our guy".
  3. Good finish; as often happens in these things, the guy who doesn't crack gets the win.
  4. I'm having flashbacks to the "Brad Smith is unstoppable on 3d and 1" days.
  5. I was gonna say, anyone who made the previous statement has clearly never heard Suzyn Waldman in action! "Oh my gawd!! Dah-rick Jee-tah!" That's because having a good broadcasting voice is usually a prerequisite for a guy. Not to mention people here call out crappy male broadcasters all the time. But at least you got to play the 'you're sexist and I'm not!' card rather than acknowledging the criticism might be justified.
  6. It's amazing how many people don't understand the dynamic they are eagerly cheering on. And some of them do it while shouting 'Nazi!' at others.
  7. Here's the site you need for farmland values: https://www.acrevalue.com/
  8. Not just laughing about it, but devoting countless hours to manipulating search engines to make it happen....just so they can then laugh at it. Seriously. It's hard to believe the left wing's endless Bush hissy fit could look so insignificant by comparison to the current hysteria. It's even harder to believe that previously sane and rational people (including several close friends and family members, and several posters here not previously known to be gatorlike) have bought right into the insanity.
  9. +1 on Indy. We hung out there a couple different times for Formula 1 races and thought it was a pretty good and compact downtown. The mid-west in general is underrated IMO.
  10. Yup. Next step on the desperation trail would be to hire Gloria Allred.
  11. Good call. Between Hanks, Hoffman, Slattery and all the eye candy, that was a very entertaining movie, despite the historical simplification. Aaron Sorkin is a douchebag, but he does know how to engage the audience.
  12. Sorry, that's a crazy bridge too far no matter how good she looks.
  13. Yes you do, you're just ducking it. You're tacitly approving of people being thrown out of high profile jobs (or any jobs) because they offended someone by saying the wrong word. And I didn't write anything about anyone's life being ruined, but nice strawman.
  14. There's no confusion, saying something offensive isn't nice. But do you honestly think ruining people's careers for saying a naughty word is reasonable and equitable punishment? That response doesn't seem a tad overboard to you? Putting people in prison for jaywalking would be considered absurd, yet we could just as easily use your "just don't do it" rationalization to dole out any punishment, no?
  15. I thought it was hilarious slapstick. Apollo 13, Castaway and Philadelphia were also terrific. And Forest Gump remains oddly appealing.
  16. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/six-nurses-same-winston-salem-hospital-pregnant/
  17. Volunteers, hands down. Can't believe no one mentioned it. Catch me if you can and SPR are in top 3.
  18. Certainly not, but did you have the rear window that went down?
  19. Go to Louis Restaurant. Nice family place, good food, everyone minds his business.
  20. Nope. Not unless things happening to people he knows counts.
  21. Phil had no excuse, he’d been in that situation many times. But, after the tee shot there was nothing he could do. VdV made horrible decision after horrible decision for twenty minutes. Watching that was painful.
  22. But my Facebook feed — littered today with “Impeach” messages and posts showing the definition of the word “traitor” — doesn’t mention any of that!
  23. Hmmm....how come my wife never nags me to get a physical?
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