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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. She was just asking for her hair to be sniffed.....she was probably a Breck girl.
  2. Apparently, according to C-Section.
  3. So now we're holding people accountable for 'unnecessarily putting yourself in a bad spot'? Oh! Guess we can stop with all the faux outrage over criminals getting shot while resisting arrest, huh?
  4. By the way, how come the left isn't falling all over themselves reminding everyone the "Kenosha shooter" is just a kid and therefore doesn't fully understanding his actions? When is the NY Times planning to run a full page Op-Ed titled JUVENILE like they did for the DC shooter several years ago?
  5. I bet President Hillary is having a good laugh about those infallible poll numbers.
  6. I guess we don't need to ask that question of Jerry Jr's wife, huh?
  7. I thought they were in for a direct hit but was just watching the news and seems like it's going to be Port Arthur/Lake Charles in the direct line of fire.
  8. Seems like a lot of cars and good number of people just hanging out......shouldn't these people be heading for the hills by now?
  9. I am whatever you say I am If I wasn't, then why would I say I am? In the paper, the news, every day I am Radio won't even play my jam 'Cause I am whatever you say I am If I wasn't, then why would I say I am? In the paper, the news, every day I am I don't know, it's just the way I am
  10. I for one think Mr Snyder deserves every opportunity to continue to run his football team into the ground forever.
  11. Yes, at least he was when I lived there. The News is terrible; Manish a perfect fit for them.
  12. I should have known.....thankfully he'll very likely beat the rap.
  13. What's with the references to "hero worship"?? Is it so terrible to have some baseline appreciation that the Bills don't have the kind of bumbling, incompetent ownership they had for decades any longer?
  14. Just like Matthew Barnaby!
  15. Yup. Anyone who has paid attention over the years knows who started the new generation of extreme hate right around November 2000.
  16. More or less. If Biden wins, COVID will drop to the #3 story on the nightly news instantly.
  17. He'll be released next week because of 'COVID concerns'.
  18. Yup. Everyone is setting policy (and narrative) based on who they want to win in November.
  19. I bet he leaves Barcelona every summer. It's a big tourist city that time of year.
  20. We moved from Buffalo to CT in 1973 and my folks bought a house that had just been built by a contractor who went under so they got a great deal. But, that was the brief period during/after the oil scare where lots of new construction was all-electric. So, I heard my Dad say "if you're cold, put a sweater on" about a thousand times. Any room not being occupied was kept at 55 degrees. 65 if we were in the room.
  21. Anything in it yet?
  22. Bingo. This happening in Wisconsin is great for Trump.
  23. Isn’t it customary to post pictures in a Would Ya? thread?
  24. He answered it above: 17,500. 90% fewer. All Trump had to do was tell people to 'wear masks and stop traveling' and magically: a) the tens of millions of people who don't trust anything the government says, refuse to stay home or wear masks, would have immediately trusted the government, stayed home and worn masks, and b) the tens of millions of people who have gone bat-**** crazy every single day since Trump was elected would have listened, complied and said "Great job Mr President, thank you for saving us!!" When it comes to drugs, delusion makes LSD look like child's play.
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