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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Saw recently on Facebook the 21 yo son of a guy I went to school with was killed on a motorcycle at 1am. "lost control"
  2. Minneapolis/St. Paul was the best example I saw of concentric rings going from from virtually all Hillary in the urban center and progressively moving toward Trump the further away you go.
  3. Only if you're on the staff of an elected Democrat....or a union member.
  4. Only 87% Hillary in my 'hood. We're like the Nazis of the Bay Area. It's fascinating to see places that skew 80%+ one way right next door to one that goes 80+% the other way.
  5. Don't we already have an impeachment thread from early 2017? And fall 2017? And spring 2018? Few thing funnier these days than lefties running to the impeachment fantasy when they just can't take it anymore.
  6. Just seeing that name in a thread about Mack is painful.
  7. I'll see you in heaven if you make the list.
  8. This is a fantastic idea. In fact, I can't believe we don't have a futures market on this board. It would be a wonderful way to have people put their money where their mouths are and to track who really knows their stuff. BUT...can't we do this with just regular money? I have no flippin' idea what an 'Ethereum-enabled wallet' is and pretty sure I'll never have one.
  9. Of course; as with any interaction with service people (cashiers, flight attendants, etc), the vast majority of the people who have ‘problems’ have them because they are a—holes. But yes, being in a ****ty part of Miami would increase the odds too. As for ‘cabbie problems’, your suggestion that I see/treat one class of hired chauffeur different than another is of course ludicrous. What you have forgotten is one of the key features (among many) that makes the Uber model superior: customer feedback. Bad customer feedback causes financial harm to the Uber driver and thus the model incents good customer service. So it’s no surprise the experiences with Uber continue to be positive (two more efficient and courteous rides today)
  10. Why? You don’t think Uber will be at the forefront of driverless cars? They have more incentive to solve that than anyone.
  11. I was 16 when Avalon came out....still love this song.
  12. Should have just shived him without saying anything.
  13. This is the type of response that makes these threads enjoyable.
  14. I think there is a high correlation between the quality of the movie and the quality of the audience. If you go to the latest recycled super-hero, action "blockbuster" pile of trash, don't be surprised about being surrounded by idiots.
  15. But I stuck with him and he delivered a title in '17! Bell is still fantastic, but benefits from a terrific line (remember when people here didn't want to 'waste' a 1st round pick on David DeCastro?) and is older. No way I'd give him this kind of contract.
  16. Used to happen all the time with one friend. Of course I did the same right back. Got even worse after I slept with her.
  17. I’ve taken hundreds of Uber/Lyft rides without incident. Took one cab ride in the last 2+ years and the scumbag driver pulled the ‘I don’t have any change’ routine to scam a couple extra bucks from me.
  18. I can't believe you of all people would give credence to this type of millennial whining. 15 million rides a day and how many cases of 'vomit scam' have they found?? Actual line from the article: OMG!!! 3 or 4 emails!! Imagine the horror!! Clearly the model is beyond repair!
  19. Oh yeah, I feel terrible that their highly protected business model of high prices for terrible service and filthy vehicles has come crashing down!
  20. I completely agree with that. I only read that exerpt but from the tone of the thread though we were going in the other direction.
  21. I don't really understand the point of that story. How exactly does Jones' life change if he is paid some small fraction of say a $20m profit? He's one guy out of what, 90 or so? Plus a bunch of other students who contribute to the program. So even if we suppose Jones had been paid a few hundred thousand dollars (before taxes), does that really change his life? Isn't having an accounting degree w/ a 4.0 average worth far more? I think the 'pay college athletes' crowd has this perception that guys would/should be earning millions and millions of dollars. That's the only real 'fix' possible. Make all athletics of the 'club' variety; tell the NFL and NBA to sort out their own minor leagues.
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