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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Oh yes, she was "Sydney" if I recall. Lots of hotties on Melrose Place.
  2. I work with a guy who's into all the new age stuff; he took us to a place that had float tanks. It was pretty cool, but a little odd. Took a while to totally chill/zone out.
  3. Translation: Even though I spoke my mind freely and openly on the tape, I realize that appearing to criticize a coach and his training regime will be bad for my lockerroom rep and career so I'm attempting to deny my own words by making some vague, meaningless legal threat.
  4. She was pretty hot in my book back in 1981; much more appealing to the adolescent fantasy than plain jane Martha. But obviously they reversed along the way in the years since.
  5. I’m annoyed by the lack of common courtesy on this board. Not one link to this Lauren chick.
  6. Same here in our town in CA; the school, staff and kids are great. But the cost is paying an amount for a house that would make most people's heads explode. And then pony up an extra few grand for the art/music stuff because CA steals that money to pay off the union bosses. As for the low-income areas, I have several teachers in my immediate family; my B-I-L was proud to work in a half middle class, half 'hood school a few years ago. He put up with the future criminals and drug addicts doing zero work and being held to zero standards. But once one of the hood rats started threatening him and the administration refused to do anything (I guess that would have been raysis), he said !@#$ it and got a job in a rich town. The occasional hassle from some spoiled brat is a minor inconvenience by comparison.
  7. Sure, but very few people are born to parents rich enough to provide for them beyond childhood. The real value is not the wealth of the parents, it's whether the parents were raised correctly and cared enough to exert the effort into raising their children correctly. You don't have to be rich to read bedtime stories to your kid every night from birth until they are six and can do it themselves. You don't have to be rich to teach them not to be spoiled, boorish, entitled brats but rather frugal, respectful, thoughtful and hard working people. The reason why private schools and certain public schools do well is because 1) parental involvement in the school and 2) children who were raised to act appropriately in school. Money is a distant third. There are countless examples of terrible schools that have double the per-pupil budget as more successful schools and it has everything to do with the parents and how they raised the kids.
  8. It is, but the problems there are similar to most beach areas: -significantly less appealing if you aren’t walking distance to the water, which is cost prohibitive almost everywhere now -tourists overwhelm your community for a portion of the year
  9. If only the Bills had signed Kaepernick and Watkins to big contracts.....we'd have won the SJW moral superiority off-season AND multiple Super Bowls!
  10. I’d say Al was martyred. The left was crestfallen over him having to pay the same price they gleefully demand of others for the same offenses.
  11. Fajitas, but really just here hoping for a GBID response.
  12. John Oliver is the best example of what happened to these guys. I thought his show was genuinely funny pre-Trump, even if his one-side takes were not always on point, he at least talked about a wide variety of issues from across the world, many of which were not overtly political. Then, like the rest of the media moths drawn to the light, started obsessing over Trump during the campaign, morphed into full on Dem campaigning, and then was overwhelmed with TDS after the shocking election night results. And now it's all anti-Trump, all the time. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
  13. Really? One has to be a Trump supporter to point to the obvious conclusion that late night shows have decided politics generates more viewers than comedy? That doesn't speak well to the intelligence or honesty of non-Trump supporters, does it? You really think Colbert would still be issuing political tirades every night if his ratings were tanking instead of rising? Trump is the best thing that ever happened to those guys.
  14. Public labor unions are already the definition of organized crime. Any involvement from old school Italian families is just a duplication of efforts. You're already in the sweet spot! I'm hoping to end up with summers on the Cape and the rest in our neck of the woods, but some dollars still to be made to lock that down.
  15. Where, Buffalo? 7 feet of snow isn't a natural disaster?
  16. Step 2: the unionized trash collector takes his full pension at 55 Step 3: because of NYS taxes (funding his pension), he moves to a low-tax state Step 4: he mindlessly votes for the pro-union candidates in his new state as he's done all his life, necessitating tax hikes there and turning that state into the next NYS. And thus the virus is spread. Lather, rinse, repeat.
  17. Exactly. Despite the security hassles and ridiculous stories pushed in a media everytime there is some dispute between a flight attendant and some jerk passenger, air travel is efficient, effective and safe. Because they have mastered their inventory management, the prices have stayed fairly reasonable if you put some effort into planning. I get the appeal of rail travel if you are not in a hurry or hopping between Northeast/Mid-Atlantic cities, but otherwise it's comparing 19th century travel to modern day alternatives. I got from SF to Cape Cod on Saturday in nine hours, including a leisurely dinner stop. Hard to beat that.
  18. 69 hours with only a seat as a base? Ouch. Never done it but think I'd need to have the private room/bed. So the wife's not all bad if she's signing off on that! Come on man, money talks! Can't pause the wheels of commerce for a bunch of people paying $200 on the night train!
  19. You don't buy Sony if you want RCA!
  20. I believe I have identified the core problem....
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