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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Well in that case, he should make the 53-man roster no matter what he does in camp.
  2. Wow...remember back when that was a serious program?
  3. I guess she decided to strike while the lunatic left is still willing to masterbate over any Trump content they can get their hands on. Good for her.
  4. Parkinson's is no match for Hillary's ego and lust for power. There is no disease that can stop pure evil.
  5. Actually I was being sarcastic....but I'm fine with providing all student athletes with a small stipend like you describe, but that's not going to stop guys from selling their Air Jordans.
  6. Well, they were starving so what else could they do? If only they were being paid, this would never have happened.
  7. Can't disagree with anything in this post....but what's your take on liberals after listening to the hysteria turned up to 11 for the past 18 months? I'm guessing at least 43% would rather be Russian than a "Nazi" Republican.
  8. Obviously. If you want to get drunk and do stupid things, help yourself, but these idiots have made Bills fans a laughingstock.
  9. We try to keep him confined to PPP but he tends to overpower the penguins guarding the front gate.
  10. The promise held out by the original concept of unionization has been codified into federal and state law and there are federal and state agencies who proactivity seek out violators of those laws.
  11. +1 If "he gets like this" that means you don't take him into the store. Like I said earlier, someone has to be responsible. If the responsible party can't or won't control the person, the rules need to change. As to the strength thing, I saw that too this weekend. The 8 year old Downs kid was tossing my 11 year old nephew around like a rag doll when they were wrestling. My nephew is a skinny little kid but still....
  12. Pretty much this. I can't recall specifically but feel like I may have zeroed a tip on one or two occasions in the distant past. But if this sort of thing happens to a person frequently, it's not the servers.
  13. German (ish) Bach Handel Mozart Beethoven Wagner Strauss Brahms etc.
  14. "Mad props"?? Who let the high school dropout in?
  15. Yeah, some of these are getting weak. On the other hand, how have they not done Lawrence Taylor yet? Did they need to get him paroled for the interviews?
  16. This weekend at the beach, the kids were all piled on the lifeguard chair after on-duty hours. The kid with Down Syndrome shoved one of my 7 year olds off. No big deal beyond a faceful of sand and a few tears, but it did remind me of this story, having read it earlier. I'm all for trying to socialize developmentally disabled kids, but someone has got to be responsible and recognize the situations when something like this could happen.
  17. I used to work in the East Cut and before that in Midtown South Central in Manhattan.
  18. Is it? I pretty sure that would come as a shock to many people who are fully invested in the global warming hysteria.
  19. He would love that. I can't think of a worse way to deal with a petulant child than by creating a rule specifically in response to him. IMO the NFL is handling it just fine. He'll be mentioned as part of the class but there will be no individual recognition.
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