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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. So that excuses all behavior that contributes to the problem? Great logic.
  2. If he was a man of dignity he would resign from an important job he is no longer able to perform. What a disgraceful end to his career.
  3. Eh, they’re pretty cheap and the wife likes em. I still prefer to smoke.
  4. When we moved here, my wife called some 'doctor' on the phone, chatted for five minutes, paid him a few bucks and the card came in the mail a week later. Then she had some hippy chick with a big duffel full of weed and edibles come over and they spent almost an hour talk about varieties, etc. Hilarious.
  5. Amazing how a guy everyone here worshipped suddenly turns to dog**** even at the vague suggestion he might possibly come to Buffalo.
  6. I love the free market at work in this story!! Capitalism unshackled!!
  7. I still throw in '93 every now and then. The 3 windows to pick out your receiver are awesome. I always end up dumping it off to the guy two yards downfield, but at least I never turn the ball over.
  8. I'm usually not in favor of the big names/big splash, but I disagree in this case. Dude can get to the QB; that's been a big problem since Mario Williams mentally retired. Plus he seems to love Buffalo. Assuming they can sign him to a new deal, I'd trade a first and some combo of other picks/players for him.
  9. Let me guess....it's the "beginning of the end for Trump". Haven't heard that one at all in the last 2 1/2 years!
  10. No, no, you have it all wrong. The correct narrative is "I can't believe Cleveland stole a playoff caliber QB for only a 3d round pick".
  11. You have to stay up for the history....it's the only 5-0 football game you'll ever see.
  12. I first read the headline as "backstroke". Very disappointed!
  13. The problem is his number.....linebackers need a number in the 50s, period. The 40s are a no-man's land for football numbers. That range is for fullbacks, DBs or random kick returners.
  14. Eventually, but we're not quite there yet. Love that they have Val Kilmer coming back. Guessing they won't be showing him in the airplane.
  15. Let's hope it works again. The shortage of fighter pilots is a big problem. Standards have been reduced dramatically.
  16. Guy has been a moron since Day 1. I'd rather have Dez Bryant.
  17. +1 MA would definitely be better in the sack,
  18. I thought it was a plane San Malone had just gotten off.
  19. I just checked the lineup at Bob Weir's music hall just down the road and see that 'Petty Theft' is playing not one but TWO shows next month. Come on out Tom! https://www.sweetwatermusichall.com/event/1718375-petty-theft-tom-petty-mill-valley/
  20. Good article, but no one will care unless they are told to by the mass media. And the only thing that would make the mass media care is if a parent put a bullet in a coach's head in retaliation.
  21. I get the 'abuse of authority' concept, but that seems out of place here as he wasn't a student, in her school or anywhere in her district. If she screws a 17 year old kid on vacation a thousand miles away, is that still a Hot for Teacher crime? Crazy talk.
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