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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. My current fandom gauge on a 3 bag scale: Mets (No hope, ever) Sabres (Can still cling to that 'young guys might be the future' fantasy) Bills (Based on last season; will almost certainly be 2 bags by week 3)
  2. Oh come on....I'm fully enjoying the idiots screaming about regime change after 3 pre-season games (and a playoff year).
  3. I haven't read enough to know if this is just an empty gesture, but if not Hillary can't be happy about it. Should make it harder to rig her next primary. https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/democrats-vs-trump/democrats-strip-super-delegates-power-reform-caucuses-historic-move-n903866
  4. At the ferry landing where I commute to SF, there’s a ‘Nuclear Weapons Free Zone’ sign. So that’s a load time off.
  5. Please stop interrupting the hysteria with your common sense.
  6. At this point I'm strongly considering finally giving all glory to the hypnotoad.
  7. Yup, M-I-L is in an assisted living facility (with her own apartment/room); it's by far the best thing unless you are restricted by cost. Prior to that, we had her living in her own place with a full time/live in caretaker. It was a disaster. Two old women fighting non-stop because there was literally nothing else (except television) to do. My wife got a call almost every day with some silly problem. Now, she at least can eat in a common room with other people around, even if she barely socializes with any of them.
  8. We've created a society that is not only desensitized to violence, but revels in it. But we're really good at making sure no one ever sees a breast on TV.
  9. Don’t remember them either, but the lefty nuts turn over quickly around here.
  10. Gotta give him credit, that fake coup was a brilliant move. Too bad we don't still have a CIA that can take care of this kind of thing.
  11. I don't remember him before....was he just some random poster on the main board who snapped and became a PPP troll? Or another gatorbot?
  12. He reads like one of those people who needed counseling after the election and posts Trump hysteria on social media every day.
  13. As with almost every election, that's the real question and certainly Trump is fatiguing the voters at a faster pace than most politicians. Of course, the Dems are fully capable of !@#$ing it up. I don't see independents jumping on board with Sen. Pocahontas or Hillary 3.0 And then there's that. How long can rich, white coastal elites (living in rich, white-only communities) continue to fool blacks and Latinos with empty rhetoric and the insulting implication that blacks and Latinos all benefit from welfare and minimum wage laws?
  14. He’s still bitter about his Hillary coronation party being ruined.
  15. It’s a shame that is what The Onion has become, but you gotta admit the headline is hilarious.
  16. OMG.....TAT at her peak over just about any women ever.
  17. Suggesting the vague benefits of lifetime politicians outweighs the downside is flat out ridiculous. "Experienced" at what? Corruption? How to hold onto power? How to ensure big-money private interests are getting what they paid for?
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