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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. LOL Happy with the win and the defense looked good (though the pass rush dropped off significantly in the second half), but I sure hope they figure out an offense. The scoring was mostly Winbush throwing it up for grabs and hoping the WR came down with it. I wish ND would recruit a real QB one of these years.
  2. Smart and lazy, with periods of very high productivity/efficiency.
  3. Always good to hear from one of the Finest posters on the wall.
  4. Some things never die. Next up; musings on the likelihood of some team working out CJ Spiller.
  5. Yahoo autodraft is a nightmare. I've seen people end up with 3 kickers before. I'd grab Penny even if he's not starting out as the main guy. I can't believe Seattle wouldn't give him a chance to prove his worth on the field. Plenty of good WRs to pick from on that list.
  6. JHC you !@#$ing moron, the word "charity" doesn't just mean IRS defined non-taxable entities!
  7. -Charity, duh. -Did you not read the story? -100B x 100B = 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 : 1
  8. Based on reading this board for the past week, I'd say "with your therapist on speed dial and the gun safely locked away"
  9. That's right liberals, must punish these evil-doers! Maybe all these fast food workers you hope to put on the unemployment line can join the next minimum wage protest! p.s. definitely taking the kids to In-N-Out this weekend. That too. Considering I can spend $75 taking the family out for pancakes around here, it's nice to take the kids to In-N-Out and feed us all for $20.
  10. Good for her. Let's hope she's a good addition to the team.
  11. Love Joe Jackson but don’t consider him new wave. Devo ‘fer sure. Agree TH don’t qualify.
  12. Maybe it was to build a team that has the potential to someday be better than average. I know this four year run of winning seven to nine games per year seems pretty glorious compared to the 6-10 era, but it's possible they may be aiming higher.
  13. It would never even occur to me to listen to music when on a good hike. Might as well go blindfolded.
  14. And even that is a ridiculous notion. Everyone plays 16 games and the top 6 get in, simple as that. Baltimore losing a back and forth game wasn't luck...it was Baltimore not being good enough.
  15. Actually, he traded him away with a starting AND backup plan.
  16. Damn, beat me to it. It doesn't get much better than 98 if you still have your marbles. Nice run.
  17. Someone took me to a Warriors playoff game and gave me a nice hat, so I’ve got that. But truth be told they’re a dick team and I don’t care about the NBA. The 49ers might be fun to watch.
  18. Of course not, because it's a bull **** red herring thrown out by weak minded people. The suggestion that anyone other than a handful of backwater rubes would rather have an inferior QB than a black QB is absurd. I'll happily take the reincarnation of Warren Moon or Steve McNair any time. Anyone who honestly watched Taylor play (and wasn't obsessed over his race), understands he isn't ever going to be the kind of player that puts a team on his back and wins games. And that's what is required to rise above the pack in the modern NFL. If you want to go 8-8 forever, Tyrod is just fine. If you aspire to more, you need to try someone else. The over/under on # of 3d down catches Landry has this year that are short of the first down line is 17 1/2.
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