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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Wow, I can't imagine how much McD/Beane would suck if they made the playoffs again.
  2. Not as long as we can still fish for Asian carp off the Lido deck.
  3. Always know when to break the rules. Especially that one!
  4. Flashbacks to 'Spiller up the middle for loss of 2'.
  5. It's football....who the hell isn't excited to watch a real football game?
  6. Yup. Most newsy-generated stock dips are quickly recovered.
  7. So, you're willing to sacrifice everything? I'm so inspired....
  8. Probably a good time to jump in.
  9. A smaller boat / no kids combo is about the only way I'd go on a cruise. The PBS commercials always make those Viking Cruises look great!
  10. I've said this more than once to people recently; literally been hearing this nonsense since Reagan.
  11. I bet that would go good with a vanilla shake.
  12. Weren't these same idiots calling McCain a war monger and racist 10 years ago when he was running for POTUS? https://www.politico.com/story/2008/10/study-mccain-coverage-mostly-negative-014829 Whenever I heard one of these laughable snowflakes cry about racism, it reminds me of the kid in the schoolyard calling "Triple Dog Dare" in A Christmas* Story. Oops...."Christmas" = Racism!!
  13. I love that it was the top of the 1st. I guess they hadn't gotten over the hangovers.
  14. Geno Smith. Oh, wait....that was last time we were going to battle the Jets for AFCE supremacy with new QBs.
  15. Being paid to promote overpriced consumer merchandise that's manufactured in third world sweatshops.....wow, the sacrifice is so inspiring! Capitalism for the win!
  16. Nude? I think God is punishing the Mets for tearing down Shea.
  17. Just got back from In N Out.....de-licious. Kids loved it. And now I know eating there pisses off wack-a-doodles like #34moron so it's even more enjoyable.
  18. I don't understand. He looked so good against college defenses that were giving up 10 yards a carry to Zeke Elliott.
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