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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. We as a people are better off because our internal enemies have moved out of the shadows and now clearly identified themselves. Ordinary folks are now seeing the impacts of the the insidious disease that is ruining our nation, right in the streets of our own cities.
  2. Mine is....even with the high taxes and nutty loons in CA!
  3. He's the kind of low-drama guy I'd be fine with in Buffalo.
  4. A friend and I scalped tickets in the blues at MSG to see the Big East final in '85. What a scene. The lineups for those teams was incredible. RIP Coach
  5. Just in case you need a reminder of what's been happening in all those GOP-led states..... https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019-ncov%2Fcases-updates%2Fcases-in-us.html#cases
  6. Is this also the Domestic Terrorist Attack in Portland thread? Asking for a friend.
  7. There are a lot of people in this thread who have clearly never worked in a corporate environment.
  8. I read one account of how one of the dead rioters was just attempting to "disarm" the kid.......with a skateboard. lol
  9. Michael Moore sounding the alarm again.... https://thehill.com/homenews/media/514247-michael-moore-warns-of-2016-repeat-enthusiasm-for-trump-off-the-charts
  10. I understand both sides of the argument. If you cut off the free-loaders from voting you risk the contributing class losing any motivation to help the free-loaders improve their lot. The check and balance against that is armed revolution which is usually pretty messy. But if you keep putting more and more people into the free-loader class, the math says it will eventually crash the entire system (at least for the bottom 90%). This is the path the ruling class Democrats have put us on as a way to grow their own power and wealth. And now they've added the social unrest element as a way to up the ante. I don't see how that path can possibly end well. That becomes easy if we have a sensible tax structure. That being one in which we tax consumption rather than productivity.
  11. Your characterization of working in the FO of an NFL team as some kind of employment utopia is silly at best. They don't get uniforms. They don't get 80,000 people cheering for them. It's a job like anywhere else. No you're not. You're just part of the small but vocal group that looks for any reason to dump on the organization, including taking this sensationalized (aka bull####) headline at face value. And that's why people are calling it out. No one knows if she quit or was fired, but at this point it's irrelevant. Over on Sabre Space they used to call the crowd that did this Team Storm Cloud. Maybe they still do.
  12. The real libs are too embarrassed to be associated with the TDS gang (including all the multiple IDs) that has taken up residence here.
  13. Don't be disingenuous....the 'entire department' story has already been debunked. It was one person plus a college intern who left to go back to school (a rare occurrence in late August.....). The mid-level Marketing Manager (who's a total 'yes' btw) still works there according to her own LinkedIn profile. As far as the 'troubled times' angle, that's even more evidence she was fired. And regardless of how/why she left, the shock and awe of the pandemic on the white collar job market dissipated months ago unless you work in the travel industry or other similarly disrupted industry. White collar people like these are freely moving around as they always have.
  14. Or maybe, "VP Marketing leaves Bills, no one notices for two weeks. Also, Marketing Intern goes back to college."
  15. According to the story, one was a 'Marketing Manager' which is a title for a 30 year old. Another was "Marketing Coordinator" which is an entry level job that's a half-step above Admin Assistant and frequently the lowest paid person in the entire organization. In fact, I just googled the person named in the story and it's literally a college kid. This story is as 'fake news' as it gets.
  16. You don't know that. In the corporate world, people are allowed to resign rather than being fired all the time.
  17. Good thing you aren't PG&E or people would go nuts over a temporary outage.
  18. .....from behind yet another lame, new name. You're not clever enough to laugh at anybody. And you know it.
  19. Another new ID. The little TDS crowd is trying sooooo hard, but can't figure out that when you are so angry at everything it makes you really bad at humor!
  20. So they aren't going to boycott the whole season? I guess NBA players' brave leadership only lasts until they risk losing a paycheck.
  21. Why thank you spoiled, self-absorbed, millionaires who play a game for a living!! Thank you for making me "take notice"!! What a great contribution you've made to society! Or at all. It's Aug 27th and I'm not the least bit excited for football season. The other sports? Other than golf majors, they can disband the rest of the leagues for all I care.
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